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This is my story (Affiliate Link) about how I became a Successful Business Owner. Spoiler alert: it wasn't a straight shot to the top.
Looking back on my life story (Affiliate Link), I found that organizing and helping others was always my goal from the very beginning. Read on to learn how I transformed myself into a successful business owner.
Jump to:
- From the beginning.
- Me in Fourth Grade
- Me in Seventh Grade
- Me in Tenth Grade
- My Freshman Year
- My Adult Years
- When I became a Professional Organizer.
- Sabrina's Core Values!
- My Memberships:
- Working as an Executor of Two Estates:
- Working with Clients.
- Volunteering is important!
- Hosting Parties and feeding people is also my passion.
- Writing is my love.
- Where I was featured Online and in Publications
- And, My Family and I
- Feel free to sign up for my newsletter and get free ebooks!
- Subscribe
- Connect with me on Social Media

From the beginning.
Learning has been a struggle for me. Not because I had major learning disabilities but because I was around parents who spoke only Italian, and my main language was Italian until I started preschool when I was four. Back in the seventies, there were no resources in public schools for children with dual language households. So, I struggled and had to work twice as hard as others to figure out what people were saying and how to communicate with them. Because of this, I read slower than others and took twice as long to understand new concepts. Resulting in me submerging myself into a topic to get a good understanding of what it meant to be able to express it to others.
Me in Fourth Grade
When I was in fourth grade, my mother went to the parent-teacher conference, and the teacher told her that I was slow and would be better off barefoot and pregnant. My mother, who was learning English, didn't know what to say. But she was so angry that she didn't allow me to give in to that judgment. For me, no teacher wanted to help. I struggled through my elementary years and didn't think I could do anything about it.
Me in Seventh Grade
Until I moved to middle school, I got that same teacher again for seventh grade. On a side note, this year was the year they determined the class for high school. What horrible timing for me. Since he still felt that I was slow and couldn't handle the school work, even with B+ grade averages across all my classes. He placed me in lower-level classes for high school. This same year, I was anxious and developed a mysterious illness with rashes and hangnails on both hands.
At this point, my mom could speak English pretty well, so she started to take action to find help for me. The doctors put me through a vigorous amount of allergy testing to determine what was happening. This made me realize I could do something about my circumstances. And, These events started me on my quest for self-care and not allowing others' opinions of me to control or stop me from my destiny. This is when I started taking care of my room and organizing my space because since I couldn't control the outside, I could make myself and my surroundings peaceful and rejuvenating. I started becoming an advocate for myself and my goals.
"Take care of yourself first before taking care of others." Read about How an Immigrant Parent' Child became a Successful Business Owner Share on XMe in Tenth Grade
I had to take a reading class in high school because my seventh-grade teacher thought that was my issue. No testing me, nothing; it was just because that teacher thought I couldn't read well. Ugh...
I reached tenth grade with two years of reading classes under my belt instead of a foreign language; my reading teacher pulled me aside and said, "Why are you in this class? The other kids in this class struggle, and you get 100%." Well, I just started crying. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Thank God for her. She told me to get out of this class, I needed to take a test. Yes, they could place me in the class with just a teacher's recommendation, but I had to be tested to get out of the class. I agreed. In the first test, I didn't pass by a few points. She told me it was probably nerves. And, sure enough, the second test I passed! I was so happy! =)
Things are looking brighter
The following year, I was able to move on to my two years of Spanish which, incidentally, I received As since Italian was my first language and the two Latin languages are very similar.
That same year, I also learned about creating goals from a book that I think is probably out of print now. I started planning ways to achieve my next goal. I created a mind map and placed my goal in the center. My first goal was to get into college. Strategically and meticulously, I planned out what I needed to do to achieve my goal - different classes to take, my work experience, and the two years of foreign language required at most colleges then. And I got to work. Keeping my grades up and working with my counselor to ensure I had all the recommendation letters I needed to send, I was ready to send in my applications.
By the springtime of my senior year, I was accepted into three universities.
My Freshman Year
When starting my freshman year, I couldn't stay awake. I constantly slept after eating for two to three months and couldn't stay focused. My mom took me to a nutritionist, and they did even more tests. This time it was hair sampling and lots of bloodwork. Resulting in a very strict gluten-free/dairy-free diet that had to last for at least 6 months to a year. Now, onto another diet change and modifications to take better care of myself, I started returning to my regular hardworking self. Yay!
During those times, gluten-free products were very hard to find. So, I was hunting for places to find things that didn't have the forbidden list of items. Again, self-care was my main focus. I was always hungry, and it made me appreciate quality food and share how to make it with others.
After my first year, I decided to change colleges and moved to a college that offered Business Administration in International Business. At the time, a few East Coast schools had this established major.
My Adult Years
After graduating from college with a Business Administration degree in International Business specializing in Spanish, I started working with people, which has always been my passion. Keeping my restricted diet and health in check, I love to help them in their business and personal lives. With two self-employed parents, I worked and networked my startup business with my friends, colleagues, and friends. Whether it was helping them with their home or their work, I helped them get unstuck from the process of making their business and lives successful.
I worked over 9+ years of Office Administrative and Office Management positions and five years in the Retail and Customer Service industry. Helping people was always what I loved to do. To pass it forward just like my sophomore-year teacher did for me.
When I became a Professional Organizer.
Then, I started dabbling in the unknown industry called organizing in 1994, where I had to explain to clients how I could help them get and stay organized. It was yet again another struggle. They thought I would be their mother even though I would tell them I would not force them to get rid of things, nor would I judge them on their mess. My main work at this point was with parents and homeowners, where I saw (Affiliate Link) firsthand their struggles and how they were able to go beyond and make their lives better.
In 2007, I wanted to return to my other passion, which was to help small business owners succeed in their businesses. I established a branch of my business solely to help these individuals organize their work, set up systems, and get things done. It has been 15+ years of working with business owners, and I love it! I have learned about other industries, helping them through bookkeeping, social media marketing, office organizing, and PPC.
While yes, I still read slowly, I found that new technology tools (Affiliate Link) are helping me keep up with the fast pace of the online world and still be able to pass on my knowledge and learnings to others.
Sabrina's Core Values!
I hope my core values show throughout my story (Affiliate Link). More specifically, I have listed several core values that I feel are reflected in my life journey. Authenticity, community support, creativity, determination, fairness, honesty, openness, kindness, knowledge, leadership, loyalty, optimism, peace, and trustworthiness. And above all, I want to support you in your endeavors to help you succeed.
My Memberships:
In 1997, I became a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, now known as the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (N.A.P.O.), where I took ongoing organizing classes. In 2008, I became a member of the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers to help with my bookkeeping clients. In 2012, I joined the International Virtual Assistant Association (FYI - this association ended in 2023) to help further my business in the small business and organizing industry.
Working as an Executor of Two Estates:
As my parents passed, I was enlisted to close their affairs. So, from 2006 to 2008, I was an Executrix for two estates (one in Pennsylvania and one in California). I began to embark on this process of liquidating and selling their things. I also had to sell two homes and cars. It was a long process and an emotional one. I had to remember that taking care of myself was important, too. This process was another part-time job for me while working with clients, taking on new ones, and raising two small children while my husband traveled for work.
Working with Clients.
From 2008, I had to cut back on my physical hands-on organizing. I had an injury that didn't allow me to do it any longer. So, from 2008 until now, I have been working to help self-employed, successful small business owners manage and take care of themselves and their businesses. Also, I started offering virtual organizing consultations and Eastern PA Solution Consultations for my homeowner clients. It is a wonderfully fulfilling career, and I hope it continues to grow and help others for many years.
Volunteering is important!
Even as a successful business owner, I still love volunteering my organizing skills.
Before NAPO's automated search website, I was the NAPO Client Referral Representative for Eastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey from 1999-2002. I assisted the review committee in automating the Client Referral Program for N.A.P.O. in 2002.
From 2003 to 2004, I was a membership co-vice president of the MOMS Club of Schwenksville/Skippack.
I volunteered my organizing skills to my children's Home and School Associations as a Variety Show Leader in 2007 and was the Yearbook Chairperson coordinator and Manager from 2008-2012.
Hosting Parties and feeding people is also my passion.
In the 2012-2013 school year, I managed and organized the Activity Night Food area. From 2017 to 2019, I managed, coordinated, and cooked food for the Perkiomen Valley High School Outdoor Marching Band Home Show Hospitality area, Perkiomen Valley High School Indoor Percussion Hospitality area, and PVHS Color Guard Hospitality area for each of these events by organizing and setting up what to serve judges and helped manage the volunteers and participants.
Now that my children are in college and grad school, my focus has changed to helping the world move forward and take action over their struggles to improve their lives for themselves and their families. I love to motivate people to change their lives and do.
Writing is my love.
Around 2010, I started writing this blog regularly. First, to help others know what I did and then to connect with like-minded individuals. Then, to help people get moving on their goals and aspirations. I am so happy with the success of this blog and the way it has helped others get motivated to get things done.
To continue with this passion, I started my Sabrina's Admin Services blog in 2012 when I noticed there wasn't a lot of assistance for these wonderful successful business owners. It has become a stand blog, and many people visit it daily.
On Sabrina's Organizing, I expanded my blog post topics to include DIY projects and quick recipes in 2015, when I found that most of my clients didn't like cooking because of their lack of motivation and time. The blog has now evolved into a place where visitors can find answers on what to do with their space, what to cook for dinner tonight, and how to update and improve something shabby.
Where I was featured Online and in Publications
I am grateful to be featured in numerous publications as a successful business owner, from paper to online websites and newsletters. Feel free to check out the timeline below.
From 2002 to 2003, I was a columnist for "Ask the Organizer" for the MOMS Club of Collegeville Newsletter.
In March 2003, I contributed to the 'Ask the Organizer' section of Balance magazine.
During April 2005, I was featured in an article in The Pottstown Mercury called 'Getting a Clean Start', a local publication.
In July 2007, I was featured in an article called 'Organize Your Kitchen' on www.newhomesbba.com.
Around 2016, I was designated a BlogHer Social Media Influencer on Pinterest and Twitter.
In 2017, I was featured in an article by Liana George called "All I Want for Christmas..."
From 2018 to today, I have been featured in several of Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival (Formerly Professional Organizers Blog Carnival) blog posts.
2018 to today, many of my DIY projects were featured in the HomeTalk.com newsletter several times.
From 2020 to today, my recipes have been featured in the FoodTalkDaily.com newsletters.
2022 to today, my Home Organizing Posts have been featured in several newsletters for TheSimplifyDaily.com.
From the beginning of 2022 to today, Pinterest accepted me into their Pinterest for Creators, where I share creative ideas to inspire people to take action.
October 2022 - I’m so honored to be quoted in this article. Feel free to check it out! Genius Ways to Use a Label Maker Around Your House - article.
I love to learn new things to refine my skills.
As you can see, I love to learn! My ability to quickly learn and assess any situation makes me a person to hire for any task. My mission is to help my clients break down the process and put it into the easiest manageable tasks. I sharpen my administrative and organizing skills through training, research, and virtual and hands-on work.
Some skills I learned are:
Essentials of Productivity Certificate of Study by NAPO - It involved five extensive courses.

Project Management for Professional Organizers & Productivity Consultants certification by NAPO.
Conversion Rate Optimization certification by StackSkills.
Along with several other conferences, workshops, and free online courses.
And, My Family and I
I can't forget to mention my family is my rock. I married the love of my life in the mid-nineties. We have two beautiful children who are grown, and we enjoy walking and bicycling all the time.
In Closing.
After 25+ years of working as a successful business owner in the organizing and small business industries, I still love my business and my passion. I enjoy creating systems for my small business and individual clients and watching and helping them make their homes and office more relaxing. It is quite a transformation!
I hope this wasn't too long for you. If you are seeking help organizing (virtually) or need assistance with getting your home organizing goals together, feel free to contact me by clicking here and filling out the form so we can connect and discuss your needs.
If you are looking for small business services, please visit Sabrina's Admin Services Summary page for details on my services.
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