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What is your first thought when someone says, "I am a Professional Organizer?" Do you have some preconceived judgment about them? Do you think they were too perfect? Here are some false assumptions about Professional Organizers and the reality of what we do and who we are. To show you I am not the only one who hears these assumptions, I have included feedback from 6 colleagues. Feel free to click and check out their website when you have a moment.
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- FALSE MYTH: "People assume I will make them get rid of all their stuff." by Hazel Thornton
- FALSE MYTH: "People assume my house is spotless!" by Christina Tuggey Hidek
- FALSE MYTH: "People assume my kid is organized and always cleans up his toys and keeps his room tidy." by Sarah Soboleski
- FALSE MYTH: "People assume I only work with extreme hoarders." by Nicole Ramer
- FALSE MYTH: "People assume we are housekeepers." by Samantha Pointer-Foxx
- FALSE MYTH: "People assume that I look down on them because their home is not neat and tidy." by Andi Tormohlen Willis
- FALSE MYTH: "People assume that I was born with parents that taught me how to organize." by Sabrina Quairoli
1st False Assumptions About Professional Organizers discusses P.O.'s and their methods in a session.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume I will make them get rid of all their stuff." by Hazel Thornton
FALSE MYTH: "People assume I will make them get rid of all their stuff." by Hazel Thornton >> False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
When purging, you only need to remove the stuff you don't use or want any longer. The items you love are readily available to you and not blocked by useless and unwanted things.
2nd False Assumptions About Professional Organizers talk about us as a person and our home.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume my house is spotless!" by Christina Tuggey Hidek
FALSE MYTH: "People assume my house is spotless!" by Christina Tuggey Hidek >> False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
The difference between an organized home and a disorganized home is not only about cleanliness. It is about having a home that works effectively, where possessions have their place and are accessible when needed and out of the way when not in use.
3rd False Assumptions About Professional Organizers talks about our children.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume my kid is organized and always cleans up his toys and keeps his room tidy." by Sarah Soboleski
FALSE MYTH: "People assume my kid is organized and always cleans up his toys and keeps his room tidy." by Sarah Soboleski >>>False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
Professional Organizers are great at setting up systems, but kids will be those who don't necessarily remember where things go. As parents, we tell our children repeatedly before they get it. I always say that organizing is a skill that must be taught. Anyone can organize.
4th False Assumptions About Professional Organizers talk about the type of clients we work with.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume I only work with extreme hoarders." by Nicole Ramer
FALSE MYTH: People assume I only work with extreme hoarders." by Nicole Ramer >> False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
P.O.'s are willing to help with small or large jobs. It doesn't matter. Whenever someone feels overwhelmed with their situation, contact a Professional Organizer. Making contributions to define your systems is necessary to maintain every space.
5th False Assumption about Professional Organizers is that people think we are housekeepers.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume we are housekeepers." by Samantha Pointer-Foxx
FALSE MYTH: "People assume we are housekeepers." by Samantha Pointer-Foxx >>False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
I have to say I don't like cleaning. So, I know this isn't true for me. I clean only as a necessity, not for enjoyment. When organizing a client, I clean to reduce dust in the home and improve air quality. Also, I mentioned to the client that they should clean off the dusty shelf, but if they don't care about that, I don't push the topic. It's their home.
The 6th False Assumption About Professional Organizers concerns how we talk or act around other people in their messy homes.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume that I look down on them because their home is not neat and tidy." by Andi Tormohlen Willis
FALSE MYTH: "People assume that I look down on them because their home is not neat and tidy." by Andi Tormohlen Willis >> False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
I know for me and probably all the organizers I have quoted here, we want to help people get their homes organized and their lives simplified. We are not there to judge others; we are here to help.
The 7th False Assumptions About Professional Organizers talks about how Professional Organizers are organized because it is in their blood to be that way.
FALSE MYTH: "People assume that I was born with parents that taught me how to organize." by Sabrina Quairoli
FALSE MYTH: "People assume that I was born with parents that taught me how to organize." by Sabrina Quairoli >> False Assumptions About Professional Organizers Share on XThe reality is:
Every Professional Organizer has their reasons for becoming one. Mine wasn't because my parents were organized. It was because they weren't organized. I needed to feel more in control as a teenager by making my systems; it helped me stay on top of my schoolwork, job, and bedroom. Everywhere else in my parents' home was not organized. My mom was in awe at how I kept my room and that she would show my bedroom organizing systems to the company as a treat. How embarrassing, right? I didn't mind.
I hope this post shows you how P.O.'s are misunderstood by just saying the phrase, "I am a Professional Organizer." The bottom line is we are people who specialize in many areas and want to be of service to others who need that little extra help.
What is your assumption about Professional Organizers? Leave a comment below.
Need help organizing your home virtually? Check out our virtual organizing sessions! I offer three specific types of services to help you get the task done quickly and easily.
Katherine Macey says
Great stuff, especially about how POs don't look down on people with messy homes. That's who we're here for!
Janet Schiesl says
Great job debunking these myths!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks, Janet!
Diane N Quintana says
These are wonderful myths to de-mystify. I have heard most of them, too. Something I also hear is the question: is this the worst mess you've ever seen? Many people are embarrassed and need to be reassured that their home is not as messy as it feels to them.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I too hear that one all the time. Thanks for stoping by and commenting, Diane! =)
Julie Stobbe says
My myth would be: People think I can make more space than the home has. I can use their space more effectively and store more items. I can't make the bedroom/garage/living room bigger. That leads me to tell clients that they will need to declutter to fit everything into their homes. It was a fun post to read.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Great myth to include in this post. Thanks for sharing, Julie.
Julie Bestry says
I recognize all of these false or flawed assumptions. I think now that those early 2000s-era TV shows about organizing are off the air, there are *fewer* people thinking we're going to make them get rid of everything, but I hear the rest of these all the time. People are vulnerable, so they fear judgment, and they assume we must be paragons of perfection just because we've managed this skillset. Nope! Thanks for reminding everyone of the reality of our world!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Julie. =)
Sara Skillen says
Great post - most all of these assumptions have been applied to me (and most all are indeed, false). Another one that is implied - that I'm always "on duty". Like, I'll be over at a friend or family member's house and if something is in disarray or a little late they immediately turn to me as if I'm going to care or make a comment. I do not organize anyone besides me unless I'm on the clock!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Sara! =)
Laura says
Such a good post on perception vs. reality! It definitely clears up a lot of those common misconceptions.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Laura! We all need a reminder sometimes. =)
Linda Samuels says
Isn't it fascinating the assumptions we make about one another. And as your post so clearly describes, how wrong we can be. Maybe the media plays into why some of these "myths" are believed. But it's great to read the responses our colleagues had to some of these false assumptions. Organizers are people who enjoy organizing and helping others reach their organizing goals. We're not perfect. We are human.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I totally agree, Linda! Thank you for commenting. =)
Dorothy L. Clear, CPO says
Great article! I, too, have had to answer each of these questions. My favorite answer to the one about my house being perfect is, "No, I live with other people." Jk
Autumn Leopold says
What a great roundup of things we all have in common! Thanks Sabrina!
Sabrina says
Thanks Autumn! It was fun writing this one up. =)
Hilda says
These are all so true! I have heard every single one from clients...especially thinking that my home is magazine perfect all the time. Um no... we live here. But we can tidy fairly quickly because everything has a home. Great post!
Liana George says
Great post and all so true! Glad you set the story straight and hope it helps people understand who we truly are 🙂
Melinda says
I love that you debunked the myths.
Great article. Nicole Ramer is my favorite organizer ever!! She is seriously awesome!
Nicole Ramer says
Thank you, Melinda! You are so sweet and pretty awesome yourself! 🙂
Ellen Delap says
I agree - most people think our homes are perfect! My home is perfect for me!
Jill Robson says
Great list Sabrina, we are so misunderstood it is a great idea to put out a blog post about these issues.
Seana Turner says
Ah yes, I think I've heard most of these. I often tell people that my children haven't necessarily embraced my organizing compulsions, so I love that comment from Sarah!
Hazel Thornton says
Thanks for featuring me in this fun post, Sabrina!
Sabrina says
It was my pleasure. =)