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This year, I am starting a new monthly series, called "Organizing Small Things." This includes all the little things in your home that lay in drawers, desks, cabinets, closets, bathrooms, etc... Little things tend to be the last items that we will organize in our homes. But really, it should be the first.
Here are the reasons why organizing small things should be your priority:
- It will take less time to do those little projects.
- Reduce the amount of time it takes to do tasks.
- Saves your money because these are small items, you are more likely to go out and buy a new one instead of look for the ones you have.
- It makes you feel happy when you look for something and find it right away.
Now, on to organizing nail care supplies. I am not just talking about nail polish. Taking care of yourself doesn't just mean eating healthy and staying fit. It also means, taking care of those smaller daily/weekly tasks, what I call, "Taking Care Of The Details." Even if you have super long nails and never cut or file them, you need to care for them.
Place nail clippers/nail files in a common area. Have one place for your clippers. If you have toenail clippers and nail clippers, put them together. Determine an area that you can put your clippers/nail files. If you share them with your family members, make sure it is a location that works for everyone. Familiar areas are in a bathroom mirror or a bathroom drawer.
Position Nail Polish in a container or cabinet/drawer. Whether you have a lot of nail polish or just a little, go through them and weed out the ones that are dried out, ones you don't like, and ones that are empty.
Place other nail polish supplies in a container/drawer. These supplies include nail polish remover, nail brushes, and extra files.
Here are some examples I came across that will help you with nail care supplies organization: Feel free to click on the images to purchase on Amazon. Please note these are affiliate links through Amazon, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn affiliate fees if you decide to make a purchase.
This product is helpful because you can see the different colors right away.
This product works for a drawer. By attaching it to the inside of the drawer, it can be used to hold metal clippers and other small objects.
This item works for travel and keeping your nail care supplies organized at home. 
I came across this product for people who enjoy painting their nails on a regular basis. 
Please note these are affiliate links through Amazon, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn affiliate fees if you decide to make a purchase.
Jason B says
This seems like the beginning of a wonderful series. I can't wait to read the next post.
Sabrina says
Thanks Jason, I'm excited about it.
Tuhin says
Arranging my desk has always been a mammoth task for me. But lately I have been trying hard to learn this skill!
I use a small plastic basket to keep all the small items such as clips, buttons, receipts, visiting cards and so on.
This series of yours will definitely give people like me some ideas to keep our room clean and organized.
Thank you
Sabrina says
Good for you, Tuhin! The simplest way is always the easiest to do and maintain. Thanks for commenting.
Rose Mary Griffith says
I have one bottle of polish and remover. Yep, low maintenance that way. But I know exactly who I'm sharing this with on Facebook! She will totally love it!
William Rusho says
I do not have any nail car products, but your recommendations and tips can work for a lot of little things I have. It seems like when I do not organize the little things, it makes a big mess.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Jeri says
Offering a series of posts on organizing small things is such a good idea. My nail care supplies consists of a pair of nail clippers and that's it though. I haven't painted my nails in years and years and years, which is funny because I collect makeup like it's going out of style.
Sabrina says
Thanks for commenting. Makeup will be another small things organizing post. =)
Ken Dowell says
My nail care supplies consist of one thing, a pair of nail clippers. Well maybe two because I have a pair of toe nail clippers. Everytime I can't find them I buy another pair. Eventually that solved the problem because I must have five pairs in my medicine cabinet now.
Sabrina says
Thanks for commenting, Ken.
Erica says
Very nice! I don't use nail polish anymore because I got rid of all my chemical filled cosmetics and it is too expensive to buy all-natural everything. For that reason, I let nail polish go. I can't live without mascara so I kept that. Needless to say, these are great tips for organizing and can be applied to lots of small things that you can easily misplace and lose. I keep all my cosmetics that I use daily in a little bin and it really helps.
Sabrina says
Good for you for clearing out the chemicals in your home. That is awesome! I purchase low toxic nail polish when they go on sale at Whole Foods at the end of the seasons. =) Cosmetics can get out of hand quickly. That's great that you use a bin for them. We have a drawer and it is divided up into sections. My daughter has one side and I have the other. It works well. Thanks for commenting.
Marquita Herald says
Great advice Sabrina! This would have been a really big deal for me a couple of years ago when I was working out "in the world" - wearing suits and attending meeting after meeting. But these days I mostly go without nail polish and my supplies are limited to the absolute basics. My sister on the other hand will absolutely love these tips so I'm forwarding your post to her right now! Thanks for the inspiration.
Sabrina says
Thanks so much, Marquita. I really appreciate you sharing my content.
lenie says
Sabrina, this is a great idea. I know growing up we always had a 'junk' drawer where we tossed everything that had no real place or that we couldn't be bothered putting back where it belonged. Needless to say this was not the most efficient way to organize. I like that magnetized drawer insert - that would save a lot of searching.
Sabrina says
I love the magnetized drawer insert one too. Thanks for commenting.
Phoenicia says
Brilliant idea!
Smaller items need to be stored well as they can easily go missing. I become twitchy when looking for an item and cannot locate it in my home.
My nail varnish bottles were kept in my drawer but after having children, I moved them to a high shelf.
I dream of having a closet/vanity room just for me, a la Carrie in Sex and the City! One day soon...................
Sabrina says
That sounds like a lovely dream. Thanks for commenting.
Susan cooper says
I'm not big into painting my nails. But there is nothing more annoying than digging around trying to find a nail clippers everytime you need it because others dont put them away. I think your organizing system might save alot of headaches and grief. 🙂
Sabrina says
I know what you mean, it drives me crazy when someone doesn't return the clippers. The more people in the house, the more likely the clippers are not returned. Thanks for your comments. =)
Seana Turner says
I'm not much for nail care... I seem to ruin my nails before I even walk out of the salon. But I do have a few items, and I agree that a small project can be very rewarding!
Sabrina says
Thanks for commenting, Seana! Nail care supplies is an instant gratification organizing project. =)
Catarina says
Have, for as long as I can remember, had everything for nail care stored together more or less along the lines you suggest. It works and makes it easy to find what you need swiftly for instance if you need to file a nail. Usually have a nail file in my bag as well, just in case so I don't ruin tights.
Sabrina says
Thanks for mentioning a nail file in a bag! I too have a nail file in my bag. I also like to place one in each car, just in case, my husband or kids need it and I'm not around. =) Thanks for commenting.