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Spring cleaning doesn't happen just in one weekend. Well, it can, but boy, will you be exhausted after you are done. I like to do these tasks over several weekends or even a bit each day. Doing these jobs as a part of the day for the next 30 days or longer will help manage the time more efficiently. You do not need to do these tasks in this exact order. Below, we share our Spring Cleaning Challenge. The list below can be made when the weather or temperature is appropriate to do the task. Be patient and work through the 30 days of spring cleaning tasks, and you will complete them. Here we go:
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1: Clean outside windows.
2: Clean and repair siding. Inspect roof.
3: Pull out outside equipment/tools (Affiliate Link), set them up, and wash them as needed (like hoses, patio furniture (Affiliate Link), etc.).
4: Weed mulch bed, then add new mulch for the season.
5: Prepare the lawn. Check lawnmowers and other tools (Affiliate Link). Sharpen the mower blades as needed.
6: Clean grill.
7: Clean garden beds.
8: Clear out the garage (Affiliate Link) of any unused items. Clear off surfaces and put away winter supplies.
9: Clean ceiling fans and change the bedding.
10: Clear out winter clothes from closets and donate them.
11: Dust baseboards and molding.
12: Move furniture (Affiliate Link) and vacuum (Affiliate Link) under them.
13: Vacuum (Affiliate Link) and clean out any trash from the car.
14: Get the car washed and clear out debris from the trunk (Affiliate Link).
15: Get the car checked out to make sure ready for summer.
16: Dust ceiling fan and cabinets.
17: Clear out the refrigerator of old food and wipe it down with vinegar and water, then dry.
18: Go through your pantry (Affiliate Link) to see what you have and remove unused or expired items.
19: Get rid of small appliances (Affiliate Link) you do not use.
20: Takedown curtains and clean them. Then, put them back up.
21: Clean the inside of the windows.
22: Clean exhaust vents.
23: Change air filters.
24: Go through medicine cabinets and dispose of any unused medication.
25: Vacuum (Affiliate Link) returns and dust molding.
26: Move furniture (Affiliate Link) and deep clean floors.
27: Go through books and donate ones you no longer want. Then dust the books.
28: Clean carpets.
29: Go through winter jackets and remove any unused ones. Dispose Of any gloves that are missing a pair.
30: Change any light bulbs that have gone out.
Spring Cleaning Checklist Challenge
Feel free to sign up for our newsletter, and you'll receive a copy of this spring cleaning checklist (Affiliate Link) as well as ALL our other challenges / DIY ebooks!
I hope this spring cleaning list helps you maximize your time. It seems like a lot, but it can be done with a little planning. I did it, and you can too! Let's continue the conversation below: what area of your spring cleaning list do you dread the most? Please leave a comment below.
Please note these are affiliate links through Amazon, and at no additional cost, I will earn affiliate fees if you decide to make a purchase.
Julie Bestry says
Excellent reminders and by breaking it down day-by-day, it all seems so much more do-able. I'm excited to see that more than a week of tasks involve the outdoors, and I am a renter and don't have anything outdoors to do. Whoohoo, I'm ahead of schedule! 😉 But this did remind me to change my air filter and dust my ceiling fan in the living room. (Is there anything more stultifying than dusting?)
Janet Schiesl says
Great reminders as the weather begins changing. So helpful that it is laid out in categories easy to pick one and get going on it. Thanks for sharing.
Linda Samuels says
What a great list! I love how you divided it into categories, which makes it less overwhelming. We've done some, but not all, of these things. The doing has been a bit more organic rather than linear. But little by little, things are happening, and it feels great. Last weekend, my husband and I tag-teamed it in the yard to clear the beds and add mulch. We still have more to do, but we got a great start. It was so satisfying and looks great too.
Seana Turner says
Definitely NOT all in one day LOL! I have a list as well, but your list has given me a few things to add.
One I do is "Wet and Forget" my slate to kill the accumulated green mildew. It isn't hard to do, I just need to do it when it isn't going to pour rain. I like using the container of window cleaner that hooks up to the hose. Just spray and rinse.
I definitely have some carpets that could use some cleaning!!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Lol, definitely not to be done all in one day. Wet and Forget is a great product, I use it for my cobblestone walkway on the side of my home, and it really does a great job as well.
Diane N Quintana says
This is a great checklist, Sabrina. You've covered absolutely everything. I like the way you identify the different areas or zones on which to focus attention. That makes it some much easier. You can pick a spot to begin, work on those tasks, and then move on to the next zone.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Diane! It's a working checklist that was developed over the years.
airbnb cleaning sydney says
I really like your tips and I will definitely use some of them when making my spring deep cleaning checklist! Thanks for sharing!
Nancy Haworth says
I love your checklist! 30 days is a good amount of time to reasonably get these tasks done. I am sharing this with my followers.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thank you for stopping by and commenting/sharing, Nancy!
Linda Samuels says
I love lists, and your checklist makes spring cleaning a bit less daunting. It's inspiring to consider the seasonal things that we can do to prepare for the new season. It's one of my favorite times of the year, not because of the cleaning part, but because of the warm air and return of color to the landscape.
Julie Stobbe says
I love the checklist, although it does make me feel overwhelmed about spring coming. Thanks for the prod to get out there and take care of things.
Sabrina Quairoli says
It is overwhelming the number of tasks that need completing to get ready for summer. I printed out this list and have it here to give me direction on what I need to do.
Seana Turner says
I have to admit that I haven't taken down most of my window coverings and cleaned them in many years. This list is making me feel like i need to get myself in gear! I was thinking yesterday that my car really needs a deep clean... it gets very heavy use. It isn't cluttered, but it is kind of dirty. I recently did my own closet, washed every surface, and it does feel really great!
Sabrina Quairoli says
I printed out this checklist to remind me what I need to do. It's better than having to create my own list each year. =)
Jill Robson says
We were planning to clean our windows soon, after such a long winter, thank you for the reminder. We just had all our eave troughs and downspouts replaced, so this is perfect time to do that.
Autumn Leopold says
This is a great checklist! I will be printing it. I really started in this weekend. We have had such beautiful weather I started outside though. I figure there will be some more rainy and snowy days I can work inside. 🙂
Janet Barclay says
Great checklist! I bet some of those tasks could be done on the same day, if someone wanted to reward themselves by taking the next day off.