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This month’s organizing challenge is to make a special bedroom oasis you will treasure each night and walk refreshed in the morning. To do this, we need to split this task into several different activities. Not all tasks need to be done in the same week. Pace yourself, and you can get through it. Each week, focus on one area below. Pick the order that works best for you, but make sure you visit all areas of your bedroom and clothing.
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What tools do I need to make a bedroom oasis?
First, you need a few tools (Affiliate Link). Trash bags for items you can't donate. Boxes
(preferably with handles) for items you can donate. A large black marker
to label (Affiliate Link) everything. Tape
and paper
for making signs.
What do I need to do to make a bedroom oasis?
Week 1: Area to clean: The Dresser and nightstand drawers.
Organize your drawers and nightstands (Affiliate Link). Clear out everything, take out the drawer (if possible) and get rid of any items that are not needed or haven’t been used for at least one year.
Week 2: Area to clean: The perimeter walls, corners, and under the bed.
If you store items under your bed or in the corners of your bedroom, clear them out and find a home for them. Clear out any bins and clean out all the items from under your bed. See if you can get rid of at least 10 larger items that have been under your bed for more than 3 months. If you want to get rid of more, that's fine too. See if you can find homes for all these items left in the room's corners. Each corner or wall space should be cleared by the end of this week.
Week 3: Go through your bookshelves,
And get rid of at least five books you can donate to your local library. Go through your closet and pull out any clothes that don't fit you. If you don't remember, try it on and have someone else give their honest opinion about your appearance.
Week 4: This is the fun part! Add at least one new item that makes you happy when you look at it.
Find this item from another part of your home. It can be a picture of your family, a statue, a figurine, or a painting. Place it in your bedroom where you will see it every day. Remove any items that make you sad. Any item with upsetting memories. Make it a piece that symbolizes what you want your life to be. Remember this quote (Affiliate Link) below when bringing new items into your bedroom.
Things to Remember when clearing a bedroom.
- The only items that should be stored in your bedroom are those you love and care to look at each morning and evening.
- Pull out everything and make sure you dust along the way.
- If you need help, ask for it. More hands make the project easier to handle physically and emotionally. But be sure you ask someone who isn't a person who keeps everything.
If you need additional help, here are links to my closet and bedroom posts, as well as other awesome Professional Organizers to help you transform your bedroom.
Closet Organization:
Solutions for the closet from Sabrina - this is a collection of closet and clothes organization posts. Feel free to check out the page to find help.
Closet Organization by Sabrina's Organizing
Bedroom Organization:
Solutions for the bedroom from Sabrina - this is a collection of my bedroom organization posts. Feel free to check out the page to find help.
Check new arrival rugs at Boutique Rugs
Check new arrival rugs at Boutique Rugs
Weekend Mini-Organizing Challenge: Bedroom Chair or a Corner from Jill Annis at Simply Organized LLC
Happy organizing! Doing this monthly challenge each week will transform your bedroom from just a bedroom where you sleep into a serene, organized place to enjoy with your loved ones. I hope this inspires you to make your bedroom an oasis. What is the most difficult organizing challenge you have in your bedroom? Please share your issue below. I would love to hear from you.
Please note these are affiliate links through Amazon and other affiliates, and at no additional cost, I will earn affiliate fees if you decide to make a purchase.
Aged MCA Leads says
This is one of the best posts ever.
William Rusho says
Great post. I always come here looking for tips on cleaning, or storage or even design.
I have a studio apartment, so my space is limited. I do try, however, to separate the living area with the bedroom. It can be difficult.
Thanks for sharing.
RoseMary Griffith says
Agree with you and the other commenters that keeping only things you love that make you happy in your bedroom is a good thing. I tend to do the same thing with my office. Good process.
Erica says
I like the idea of putting things in your bedroom because they make you happy to see them. I recently did a deep cleaning of the bedroom. It really is scary where dust can hide. We don't keep art work on the walls in the bedroom. I don't want to be smacked in the head if there is any earthquake in the middle of the night!
Phoenicia says
Great tips as per usual!
I really do believe bedrooms should be kept to a minimal: bed, wardrobe, chest of drawers, armchair and little else. As it is where we sleep it should not be in any way cluttered or disorganised. I would not sleep well at all in a chaotic room.
Marquita Herald says
Wonderful project Sabrina. I have to agree that #4 is definitely a winner and I'm looking around right now to see what I might have some fun with. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂
lenie says
Great tips Sabrina - I like the reward idea of week four - I think hanging a painting that I love opposite my bed to look at first thing in the morning would be just the thing to start the day off right.
Donna Janke says
I love the line "The only items that should be in your bedroom are the items you love and care to look at every morning and evening." I'm going to think about adding a picture or trinket of something that I am particularly fond of.
Doreen Pendgracs says
Great post, Sabrina. I will have to print it off for my husband. He is the King of Clutter!
Ken Dowell says
Oh no! Not under the bed too. I'd opt for adding a couple standing plants.
Steve Grogan says
The hardest part for me will be getting rid of books. I have read most of the books on my shelf at least once. There are many I would like to read again, but I don't have the time. Still I avoid giving them away because what if someday I magically freed up a bunch of time???
Catarina says
Great suggestions, Sabrina. Apart from in my case throwing away clothes that don't fit you anymore. Never happens because I have had the same weight since I was eighteen. On top of it I always buy high quality, classical designer clothes. So I just throw them away when they "have fallen apart" which really takes a long time.
Believe it or not I have started cleaning things your way. The last thing I did was cleaning the keyboard of my laptop. Am very happy with the result. Thank you.
Sabrina says
That's great, Catarina! I'm glad it helps. I too only get rid of a few clothes if I need to. I like the classic style myself and very rarely need to get rid of clothing. Each person has their own way of doing things in their bedroom and that is OK. We only need to get rid of the items that clutter up space. Thanks for stopping by.
Janet Barclay says
I LOVE Week 4 - what a great reward for doing all the hard work in Weeks 1 through 3!
Autumn Leopold says
Great tips and great connection of posts with more tips Sabrina! I don't like storing anything under my bed because I think vacuuming under there is a must! I'm in the process of redoing my room so I can't wait to use these tips! Thanks!