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We all have lots of tools (Affiliate Link) in our kitchen. Some great tools (Affiliate Link) that can be used for a variety of tasks. Others can only be used for one purpose. These are called "Unitasker" tools (Affiliate Link). Now if you are creative, you can probably use them for other purposes. But, the main purpose for the tools (Affiliate Link) is to do one thing and one thing only.
There are lots of unitaskers out there. The ones below are ones I recently found. They are neat unitasker kitchen tools (Affiliate Link) you do not need but are pretty cool too. If you feel the need to buy any of these items, just click on the image and the link will take you to Amazon so you can purchase them. Enjoy!
Unitasker 1: Here's an Egg Cuber if you really feel the need to make your hard-boiled eggs square.
Really, I am not sure why we would need this. Maybe it would help you protect your hard-boiled eggs from rolling off the plate while cutting. Or, maybe it would be useful for decorating horderves.
Unitasker 2: A Watermelon cutter.
I never cut that much watermelon to call for a large cutting like this. I bet it would be an issue to store too.
Unitasker 3: Here's a Corn Kerneler for anyone who wants to remove lots of corn kernels at one time.
It's really cool though if you what fresh kernels for a salad.
Unitasker 4: A Mango slicer:
I admit, I love mangos and they are difficult to peel and slice without making a huge mess. So, this one makes sense but I still don't eat that much mangos that I would need to purchase this tool.
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Unitasker 5: A pear corer.
I love pears, but this one just looks dangerous. While it won't take up that much room, I am not sure why I would need it. After cutting the pear in half, it looks like it scraps out the seed section of the pear. Couldn't you just use a Norpro 115 Grip-EZ Melon Baller to take out the seed? This tool has much more uses.
I hope this post made you think twice before buying new kitchen tools (Affiliate Link). While there are many tools (Affiliate Link) out there, some are just not necessary to be stored in your kitchen's valuable space. What kitchen unitasker tool do you love in your kitchen? Please comment below.
Patricia Weber says
I do like that mango peeler. It would come in handy for a gift for my son - he and his family are crazy about mangoes. Me, not so much. But one different gift is highly valued so thank you for this list!