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If you read my posts, you know I have a smaller home. It has many rooms but is narrow and hard to fit the average piece of furniture (Affiliate Link) in any room. It seems that every room has a unique wall that I need to find a smaller than normal piece of furniture (Affiliate Link) to fit in it. It is quite annoying. Well, enough with complaining, back to the post. Here is how customizing Ikea cabinets for a small space made an area more organized.
In my walk-out basement, we have a long and narrow family room ten ft x 22 ft. There is a heater on the wall that heats the space, a sump pump on the floor, a back door and window and one closet door and an opening to the other part of the kitchen. You can see why this space is challenging, right? Luckily, I have experience measuring spaces and areas for furniture (Affiliate Link) placement. I measured the length, width, and height of the areas I wanted to fit storage cabinets. And, with my measurements in hand, I headed to the nearest Ikea.
Customize Ikea Cabinets For A Family Room
I found these wonderful cabinets that fit perfectly in my space! I designed the cabinet layout with glass doors and wood fronts to break up all the brown wood. Anyway, I choose a design (Ikea's Besta brand was what I choose) that worked with the areas I needed to organize, in this case, my window and the heater walls. The inside also had many options, even though I didn't need anything but shelves (Affiliate Link). Check out the results!
I stored items in this cabinet that included my sewing machine, buttons, work in bins, scrapbook (Affiliate Link) supplies, cable box, video game console, photo albums, and video games in it by using baskets with and without lids. I also was able to frame it around a window as well. The doors do a great job hiding the clutter and organizing it!
If you are looking for a cabinet for your unique room, look for cabinets that can be versatile and attach to make one unit. Make sure they have several options so you can customize the cabinet for what you need. Above all, have fun making your cabinets exactly what you want and never settle or something that doesn't fill your needs. Let me know how your cabinets work out.