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Today, we are sharing our five popular home organization posts for this year! We can't wait to share with you the top popular posts on Sabrina's Organizing Blog! Read and click through to visit these popular posts to get inspired.
This Year's Home Organization Popular Posts
The Fifth Popular Post for this year: 12 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR BEDROOM AN OASIS
This post talks about ways to keep your room an oasis by decluttering and adding things like plants. With the year of change and refocusing, many visitors want to make their bedroom a place to relax.

Fourth Popular Post for this year: 7 BOOK STORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR SMALL SPACES
The book storage (Affiliate Link) solutions post is excellent for people who love books and have a smaller home. We talk about solutions to help reduce clutter when storing books. While we advocate reducing the number of books one has and opt for digital to reduce clutter in a small home, this post also shares creative ideas on where to store books.
Third Popular Post for this year: WHAT TO KEEP IN YOUR SHED
Organizing the shed (Affiliate Link) has been a long-time favorite of ours. We update this one whenever we see the content needs it. We even created DIY posts this year to show how we organized our small shed (Affiliate Link). And, boy, do people like it.
Second Popular Post for this year: 7 GAMES TO HELP KIDS UNDERSTAND HOW TO ORGANIZE
The second popular post is another post that we have updated over the years whenever a new kids' game comes out, supporting our belief that everyone can get organized. All they need is a little understanding of how to do it. This one shares games that instill organizing skills without explaining anything about organizing.
And, drumroll, please. The Number One Popular post for this year: 10 EASY TIPS FOR ORGANIZING AN OLDER ADULT'S HOME
With older adults living at home more and adult children taking care of them, this post has been a staple for people who want to help their loved ones stay in their homes and minimize the likelihood of an injury. We often update it whenever we see something that would benefit these older adults.
We will be sharing our Popular Recipe posts and our DIY Upcycling Post for this year in the coming week. Stay tuned!
Feel free to check out any of these posts for inspiration. That wasn't all that happened on Sabrina's Organizing! Read on to learn about a milestone we had this year.
Sabrina's Organizing Turns 10 Years Old!!!
This year was a milestone at Sabrina's Organizing! We have been blogging for ten years! We can't believe it! The Blog has evolved from just a home organizing tips and challenges blog to a DIY take-action blog that inspires visitors to change their homes.
With this milestone year, we started doing more DIY upcycling and craft organizing projects in addition to our quick and delicious weeknight recipes and the home organizing tips and challenges. These new DIY organizing projects have allowed us to get more creative and share our blog and on our Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest channels through stories and videos.
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Diane N Quintana says
I loved looking back at these 5 most popular posts. It's fascinating to note what has struck the biggest chord people.
Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I'm a huge fan of all your posts and look forward to reading what you post in 2022.
Happy New Year!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Ah, thanks, Diane! I am a huge fan of your blog too. Happy New Year and happy holidays to you and your family!
Julie Stobbe says
It is interesting to see what were the most popular posts. Mostly about things and spaces. That is the easiest way for our clients to start organizing. It is much harder to organize a mindset to create good organizing habits. I know you write about that topic too. Maybe one day one of those articles will be in the top 5.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I agree! With the focus on mindfulness and mental health these days, I think it will be sooner than later. Happy Holidays!
Janet Schiesl says
I missed the games post, so glad to see it now. I'm not surprised about the most popular post. I have a lot more senior clients these days. People need ideas on how to age in place and since usually they have never experienced it they don't know where to start.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks! The Game post is one I started a few years ago and as I find new things to add, it gets updated. It has been pretty popular this year!
Julie Bestry says
Mazel tov on reaching double-digits. Ten years is a huge milestone!
I'm not at all surprised that the #1 most popular post had to do with organizing for seniors, as that's a huge issue for seniors, themselves, and for their adult children trying to maintain their loved one's safety. (For me, personally, the bedroom oasis and book storage posts would have to be tops, just because they apply to my own life.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thank you, Julie! Thanks for stopping by commenting. =)
Seana Turner says
That is pretty fun to look back and see which posts were the most popular. Who would have thought that what to store in your shed would be so high on the list - fascinating! I've been working a lot with downsizing recently, that one doesn't surprise me.
Even something small like book storage can be so helpful when done well. Good for you! Here's to more successful posts in 2022.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I know, right? That was a surprise! People are really wanting to organize the shed area this year. =) Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Linda Samuels says
It's fascinating to see what ended up as your 2021 most popular posts this year. I'm not surprised that the "bedroom oasis" post is up there. With so much stress and uncertainty, we all need a place to relax and feel calm. We always did, but especially with more people working from home and navigating uncharted waters, the cocoon of warmth and restoration our bedrooms can bring is essential. Also, interesting that your number one post related to helping elders age in place. More adults are opting for staying in a familiar environment. But to do that comfortably often involves rethinking and designing spaces to accommodate any special needs. Mobility and access are two that come to mind.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I agree! I wrote that post a few years ago when I was helping my mother-in-law stay at home as she was getting older. But, I updated it over the years, and this past year added some more tips. Keeping the area safe is essential because the senior adult may not be thinking about that aspect of their home.