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Everyone struggles to take action now and again. Life is busy, and we can easily forget the important tasks that need completing to achieve our goals. And, that is OK. We are not always going to stay on target. There are many times that I feel lost and then have to refocus my energy to get back to the goal at hand. The key (Affiliate Link) is always to get back on track.
To help you get back on track, below are quotes to motivate you to take action today and not wait for tomorrow.
"While we are postponing, life speeds by." - Seneca
No pressure here; remember this, though, when taking a break. Even if you want to take a break, give yourself a limit to how long the gap can be. Say you are going on vacation and are going to enjoy a break from organizing your bedroom. Commit yourself to organizing the corner of the space when you return. Add it to your calendar for a specific date and time to remind you.
You'll never leave where you are until you decide where you'd rather be. ~ Unknown
Be realistic with yourself. You are not going to move forward unless you have a plan. Go somewhere quiet, like a short weekend away alone to your favorite area, and write down your work, family, and personal life goals.
"A goal should scare you a little & excite you A LOT." ~Joe Vital
There is a fine line between an unachievable goal and one that you can achieve but may scare you a little. Think of a plan that is outrageous in your mind. Are there steps you can see to get to this outrageous goal? Can you see the steps? Define the scary steps. Write them down. And, determine what you can do to make it less scary.
"We can change our lives. We can do, have, and be exactly what we wish." - Tony Robbins
Remember that you are not a victim. You are a powerful being, and only you can change your life.
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." - Confucius
Thinking too much will stop you from taking action. While thinking is OK, make sure it doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do with your life.
"You live but once; you might as well be amusing." – Coco Chanel
Keep life lighthearted. Sadness happens; it's a part of life. Look for those joys and gratitude in your life that make you want to achieve and accomplish your goals.
Visit our Seven Simple Questions to Ask to Make Your Goals Stick for more tips!
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” ―Thomas Jefferson
We only learn when we are doing. If all the knowledge is in our heads, we can not implement what we know. So we must do and take a risk that it may not be the right course of action. But, we will not know until we do.
“Action is the antidote to despair.” ―Joan Baez
When we stand still, we become stagnant in our lives, resulting in sadness. SO, taking action will allow you to get out of the funk of being in a place we prefer to move from.
I hope these quotes (Affiliate Link) motivate you to get your goals completed. Now it's your turn. Do you have a goal that you want to achieve but have put on pause? Please share your goal below and indicate what action you are planning on taking next.
Other Popular Quotes to Motivate You!
Feel free to visit our other popular quote (Affiliate Link) posts to get even more inspired!
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Janet Barclay says
These are great, but as a person who struggles with making even minor decisions, the one that really resonates with me is "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
Daria says
My favorite is the "A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot." It reminds me when I'm nervous about putting myself out there in my blog posts that I'm supposed to be a little scared.