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Do you have digital clutter? You know, those files on your computer (Affiliate Link), your mp3, your phone, and even your DVR, you keep saving and never looking at because you do not have the time to deal with them. With the way technology and the information are readily available, it’s not surprising you lose or forget information you already have. Here are six tips to keep your digital clutter at bay.
Before uploading photos on your computer, be sure to cut any photos that you don’t absolutely love. Blurry and unflattering photos can be removed first.
- Delete your child’s school year correspondences emails at the end of each school year to make room for new emails for the next school year.
- Make it a habit to clear out your work email inbox of unwanted emails by the end of each day.
- Delete any apps you do not use on your smartphone or tablet. AND, remove any apps from iTunes as well because sometimes it doesn't remove it from your computer (Affiliate Link).
- If you have an external or cloud storage system for your photos, check your photos. Sometimes, photos are duplicated because when it was syncing, there was an error.
- Set your DVR
to only record programs that are new. And, limit your shows to 2 or 3 recordings of the same show. Be realistic. Are you going to watch 5 shows all at once? Probably not.
- Delete unused software from your computer (Affiliate Link) to free up space for newer software.
Additional tips to keep your digital clutter under control.
Periodically go through all your digital files from all your electronic devices even the kids' devices. I like to do this every 3-4 months. That way, it is not too old that I forget what the files are and they are far enough away that I am probably not using them.
I hope this inspires you to get your digital photos organized. What tips do you use to keep your digital clutter at bay? Please leave a message.
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