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Pets teach us lessons all the time even when we do not realize it. From unconditional loving to have fun and enjoying the small things in life, we learn a lot from them. I also think we learn some organizing lessons as well. Read on and see what I learned from my sweet dogs over the years.
Organizing Lessons I Learned From My Dogs
First lesson: Stay focused.
I learned to lesson one from my dog, Fritz - stay focused. Figure out what your goal is and stick with it. If you get distracted, try to refocus. It will come to completion sooner or later.
When he taught me this lesson?
He loved to catch flies. Many times we saw (Affiliate Link) him catching them by hitting his head up against the wall or catching them with his mouth.
Lesson Two: Take care of yourself in life.
I learned organizing lesson 2 from my dog, Misty. There is a time for rest and a time to get moving. If you want to rest, take the time to make a list and then move on to it when ready.
When she taught me this lesson?
She was a pretty content dog, she only came to me when she needed something. She was never wanting more, she always wanted enough for what she needed. Never gorging on anything.
Lesson Three: Ask for help when you need it.
Organizing lesson number 3 I learned from my dog, Buster. If you can't do it yourself, ask someone to help you with your sweet puppy dog eyes. Asking for help will help get things done quicker.
When he taught me this lesson?
He was a very intelligent dog. When he needed to go out, he would lay next to the door until we noticed he wanted to go out. And, when we did, he was so excited.
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Lesson Four: Helping others helps you too.
I learned organizing lesson 4 from my dog, Missey. Helping others is good, helping people work through their fears, especially when they can't organize on their own.
When she taught me this lesson?
When my kids were just born and we brought them home, Missey would stand guard when my son and daughter were sleeping. She wouldn't leave their side until they woke up.
Lesson Five: Show enthusiasm for what you need to do.
Organizing lesson number 5, I learned from my dog, Buster. Show enthusiasm even if you don't want to be enthusiastic about clearing out your house. You will feel free after the stuff is cleared out. Trust me, as soon as you start; you will enjoy it and be enthusiastic about clearing out the rest of the space.
When he taught me this lesson?
He would get so excited when we would go outside. He was always an outside dog and loved to interact with the other animals.
Lesson Six: Stubbornness is OK when you are patient too.
Organizing lesson #6, I learned from my dog, Tommy. It's OK to be stubborn as long as you are patient too, when it comes to your goals. He knows what he wants, and when he doesn't get it, he will wait forever.
When he taught me this lesson?
Sometimes he wanted a particular meal. He would go without eating unless he got that meal. No matter what I gave him, he wanted that particular item and wouldn't be satisfied until he got that item.
While dogs may do these things instinctively, humans need to make it a habit to remember because we can easily get distracted. So, take it from me and my dogs, organizing is a process, and some areas you may be strong in and other areas you may not. But, remember that it is OK to have areas you need a little help with - we all do. Be kind to yourself and take your own steps to be more organized in your life and home.
This post is dedicated to my five dogs throughout my life, Fritz, Misty, Buster, Tommy, and Missey. The sweetest dogs in the world.
Now it is your turn, did your pet's teach you any organizing skills? Please share in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.
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Feel free to visit some of these additional organizing tips posts we found online. The capitalized titles are from this blog.
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Janet Barclay says
This was a fun and inspiring read.
And to add to the list of things we have in common, I've also had five dogs in my life: Nicky, Toro, Andy, Peanut and Carly. I've never written about them in this way, though I did once write about the life lessons I learned from one of my cats after she passed away - I should probably dig it up and republish it one of these days.
Janet Schiesl says
Life lessons are everywhere.
Liana George says
Creative way to link organizing with something so close to our hearts - pets! Lovely lessons from clearly very precious fur-babies! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Melanie says
It's humbling to remember that we have so much to learn! What a wonderful way to share that reminder. Well done!
Seana Turner says
Wow - you have had a lot of dogs! I love the theme of this post, and the way you wove in lessons from them. I do believe we learn a lot from pets and children. I've only had one dog in my adult life, and she is no longer with me, but I am thankful for the time I had with her and the ways she made me a better person!
Diane N. Quintana says
Oh, Sabrina! I love this! My dogs are my sidekicks. They sit by my desk while I work. Josie will sometimes give a bark when I sign onto Zoom. It's my opinion she is saying hello to everyone else on the call. Both my dogs offer unconditional love and my constant companions. Miles is my quiet one. He is just there offering silent support. They have taught me to trust. Trust that things happen for a reason and that everything will be OK.
Ellen Delap says
Pets are our best instructors!