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With Valentine's day just around the corner, this month's challenge will be not about giving gifts to someone else but to yourself. This gift is the gift of self-care. We will embark on a journey to determine what your most favorite way to take care of yourself (Affiliate Link) and to get the activity incorporated into your daily schedule. So, let's begin.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” ― Audre Lorde
First, we must understand what taking care of yourself means for you.
While everyone has similar goals to take care of themselves this year, each person may go about it differently. Answer these questions to figure out how you want to do self-care.
- Do you like being quiet and doing personal meditation?
- Do you have favorite products that you would want to use to help you relax?
- Do you like scented items or doesn't it matter to you?
- Would you rather go out of the home or stay at home?
- Do you prefer changing the routine (Affiliate Link) of taking care of yourself or keeping the task the same all the time?
- Do you want to do only one task or more than one?
By going through these questions and writing down the answers, it will give you a direction on what type of self-care you like.
If you don't have time to do this step, I created two excellent taking care of yourself lists you can choose from and do in 20 minutes. Enjoy! You can visit the post by clicking on the images.
Quick taking care of yourself tasks
After you picked the activity, you need to find a way to remember to do the task.
Adding the recurring take care of you task to your calendar works perfectly. It constantly reminds you to do the task. Plan your activity each day, each week, or each month. Pick a time of day that allows you at least ½ hour on either end of the task. When starting this process, you may need the time to calm down so adding a half an hour at the beginning of the session will give you that moment. Any time of the day you can do these activities. The morning is perfect for easing yourself into the day. Before going to bed helps calm you before going to bed. Figure out which one would be most effective for you. If you are not sure, try each time of day for a week and see how they make you feel.
Now it's time to enjoy the process and see how it makes you feel. What time of day worked for you? What was your favorite part of that activity? Did you need to change to another activity because the original one was too difficult to maintain or did help you relax? Ask yourself all these questions after a few weeks to see if it is helping you be more balanced and less stressed in your life. This process is an evolving process so it's OK if you need to adjust it a bit to make it perfect for you.
Well, there you have it. I hope this challenge helps you realize you are important and you do deserve it. Please leave a comment below while going through the challenge if you have any questions or encounter any issues. I am always here to help.
Please note these are affiliate links through Amazon, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn affiliate fees if you decide to make a purchase.
Jill Robson says
Self care is very important that is why i am having monthly messages, and i always toke time to read it centres me. Great post with attainable options.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I love this idea! I find that anything that I can automate to remind me always helps. It's easy to forget what we need to do to feel better.
Stacey Agin Murray says
When my kids were in preschool, I'd take the last 20 minutes of time before I had to go pick them up to just 'veg out' whether it be with TV, a magazine, or lying down on the couch for a quickie rest. I haven't done that in a while--this post is a good reminder for me to put that important 20 minute 'recharge' back in my day. Thanks!
Sabrina Quairoli says
That's a great idea to regroup before the kids come home! I found that helped me as well when the kids were little.
Seana Turner says
Sitting quietly for 20 minutes is a long time... I wonder how many people could do that? That is a challenge for sure. I love the 20 minute power nap, and I also like baking and crafting. My husband likes to get out and golf or do something physical.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Twenty minutes may seem like a long time, but it can be done over time. Start with 5 minutes each day for a week, then add 5 minutes more each additional week. By the end of the month, you will be able to easily do 20 minutes. =) Thanks for sharing yours and your hubby's T.C.O.Y. tasks.