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Let me ask you a few questions: How well do you take care of yourself (Affiliate Link)? Do you do it consistently? How do you feel after you take care of yourself (Affiliate Link)? We are told to take care of ourselves, but what does that really mean? For me, it doesn't mean a grand gesture; it means those subtle actions I do regularly to improve my quality of life. If you haven't read my first 20 ways to take care of yourself (Affiliate Link), here is the link.
Jump to:
- 1 At Home Facial
- 2 Have a Power Nap
- 3 Watch a comedy
- 4 Take a Bath
- 5 Start a gratitude journal
- 6 Practice mindfulness
- 7 Turn on an aromatherapy diffuser
- 8 Create a dump list
- 9 Get up and Dance
- 10 Clean your jewelry
- 11 Make a nonalcoholic drink
- 12 Wash Your Hair
- 13 Wrap your hands with warm clothes
- 14 Cover your eyes with tea bags
- 15 Clear papers from your desk
- 16 Enjoy nature
- 17 Read an inspiring short story.
- 18 Garden
- 19 Answer a question
- 20 Listen to a motivating podcast
- Visit the video here to see all 20 ways!
Since the first list was so popular, I wanted to share another 20 ways to take care of yourself (Affiliate Link) in 20 minutes.
1 At Home Facial
Give yourself a well-deserved at-home facial to relieve dry skin. Use this recipe. Gently warm two tablespoons of honey with a half teaspoon of cider vinegar and apply to your face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
2 Have a Power Nap
Take a 20-minute power nap on your favorite sofa. A power nap is a short sleep.
3 Watch a comedy
Sitcoms are usually about 20 minutes long without commercials. Watch a short comedy that will make you laugh out loud.
4 Take a Bath
Take a bath with relaxing lavender, ylang-ylang, or chamomile essential oils (Affiliate Link) added to the water. Bath bombs are also great for a bath. Below are some I found on Amazon (affiliate).
5 Start a gratitude journal
Write down five things you are grateful for. If they are people, contact that person by email, text, or phone and tell them. Start by saying, "I am grateful for you because …."
6 Practice mindfulness
Sit quietly and focus on quieting your mind. Take deep breaths, and when your mind starts to talk, tell yourself, "I appreciate the reminder, but please remind me later; I want to sit quietly right now."
7 Turn on an aromatherapy diffuser
Turn on the aromatherapy diffuser and add drops of your favorite essential oil, then make yourself a cup of your favorite warm herbal tea or coffee. Then, sit and enjoy the scent.
8 Create a dump list
A dump list is a list where you jot down a "to-do" list to remove it from your mind. Divide the list into columns "must do" and "would like to do" tasks. Include all the steps that need to be done only for the "must-do" list. Then, write dates next to each "must do" item.
9 Get up and Dance
Did you love to dance when you were a kid? Why not start it up again? Put on your favorite music and dance. Dance like no one is watching.
10 Clean your jewelry
Clean your jewelry (Affiliate Link), especially the ones that sparkle and remember who gave it to you and how much they love you. If you gave it to yourself, remember why you bought it.
11 Make a nonalcoholic drink
Make a smoothie that contains at least one fresh fruit, a protein, a grain, and one dark green veggie in it. Drink it slowly and enjoy! Visit our drinks section for recipes.
12 Wash Your Hair
Add a deep conditioning treatment to your hair. Try making a mixture of 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon olive oil (Affiliate Link). Place it on your hair and wrap it in a warm towel or plastic wrap for about 20 minutes.
13 Wrap your hands with warm clothes
Run warm water over two wash clothes. Squeeze out the excess water, then wrap the top of both hands with the wash clothes. Sit for 10 minutes. Do some deep breathing, and then moisturize your hands completely.
14 Cover your eyes with tea bags
Run two black tea bags under cool water. Press them to remove excess water. Be careful if there are staples. Then, lay down and place the tea bags over the eyes, and add a damp, cool, squeezed washcloth to keep in place. Stay there and relax for 20 minutes. Remove and discard the tea bags.
15 Clear papers from your desk
Remove all papers from your desk for 20 minutes and sit quietly without anything in front of you. Read this post to find 30 desk items you can toss right now.
16 Enjoy nature
Sit outside and watch the wild animals in their natural habitat.
17 Read an inspiring short story.
Reading a short, inspiring story (Affiliate Link) may give you the willpower to surpass your obstacle. Here are a couple I found on Amazon (affiliate).
18 Garden
Play in the dirt. Pull weeds, spend time in the garden, look at the flowers, and be with nature.
19 Answer a question
Write in a personal journal (Affiliate Link) and answer this question: What characteristics make me who I am?
20 Listen to a motivating podcast
There are some inspiring podcasts; why not listen to one while taking a break?
- Gretchen Rubin's Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast
- Working Mom Hour Podcast
- Unlocking Us with Brene Brown podcast
- Overcoming Working Mom Burnout podcast
- We can do Hard Things podcast
- The Bright Side of Life podcast
Visit the video here to see all 20 ways!
Well, there you have it! Another 20 ways to take care of yourself (Affiliate Link) in 20 minutes. Let's continue the conversation; what is your favorite quick take care of yourself (Affiliate Link) task? Feel free to share it below in the comment section. I would love to hear from you.
Please note these are affiliate links through Amazon, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn affiliate fees if you decide to make a purchase.
Daria says
My curly hair is so dry. I'm definitely trying your at home recipe! I have a diffuser by my bed so I can inhale a relaxing smell right before bed. It feels so luxurious.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I'm with you. Check out http://www.ouidad.com for great deep conditioning products for curly hair. You can do them in 20 minutes too. =) Thanks for commenting.
Autumn says
I've been sick so I need to do 1-8 today! 😉
Sarah Soboleski says
I'm all about the 20min power nap. I think I was one of the new moms in the minority who actually napped when their baby napped! It made such a difference!
Janet Barclay says
I received an email from a client this weekend saying that she was thankful for all I do. That sort of thing really does go a long way!
Maureen DeGarmo says
My favorite is, “I appreciate the reminder but please remind me later, I want to sit quietly right now.”
Linda Samuels says
Brilliant. I love the variety and creativity of this list. We can all do better at self-care...especially when most of us do so much for so many. If we don't renew the source, we'll get depleted. Thank you for the lovely reminders. I'm not much of a napper, but DID take a 20 minute one this weekend and it felt great!
Ellen Delap says
Love these simple and quick ways to take care of yourself. There's not enough time to make yourself a priority.
Seana Turner says
The 20 minute power nap and being out in nature are my favorites from this list. I find a 20 minute rest is incredibly restorative! When I wake up, I drink a tall glass of water and I really do have a fresh perspective. I enjoy just taking a moment in the winter (when it is too cold to actually sit outside) and watch the birds at my feeder as well.
Mary says
I totally need this list in my life! It’s so easy to put our needs on the back burner especially during the holiday season. 20 minutes is a good amount of time for a little personal “me” time. I’m going to give myself a facial this weekend.
Phoenicia says
I am all up for 20 minutes of "me" sessions. This is far more doable than trying to find one hour. Definitely need to try the tea bag on my eyes.