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Since January is "Get Organized Month" and goal setting is a major part of getting organized, I wanted to share a collection of what Professional Organizers have learned when setting goals. Feel free to read on and receive an abundance of goal setting advice.
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For me, goal setting is a task that helps me focus on what I want and forces me to see the steps to complete the goal. Even if I don't succeed at the goal, I find it useful because it gets me closer to it. And I can try again next year. These tips help keep the goal real and down-to-earth. I hope these tips give you clarity on your goal and show you how to achieve it.
Visit our post called "SEVEN SIMPLE QUESTIONS TO MAKE YOUR GOALS STICK" for help setting a goal and making it stick.
Tip 1: Pick only one or two goals for the year.
The fewer goals you have, the easier it will be to reach the goals.
Think small to achieve big things; by concentrating on a few goals, more effort will be put into each one, with big results. ~ Jill Robson
Tip 2: Pick a goal that is important to you.
Not all goals will be met, so pick the one with the highest importance.
Know your "why" and make sure it's something truly important to you. We typically create goals because we believe they are progressing towards a bigger ambition. If we're really not committed to that bigger ambition, it's harder to keep the focus on the goal along the way. "The Five Whys" is a great exercise to help flush out the purpose and intention behind the goal. ~ Kathy Vines
Create a goal that means to you, then break it down into bite-sized pieces so it's obtainable. ~ Crystal Debrito Barton
This was advice I gave to myself. 'Make sure your goals are Measurable, Meaningful and Motivating.' For me, it spoke volumes personally and professionally. ~ Sandy Butler
Tip 3: Write down the specific steps to achieve the goal.
Hang it in an area of your home to remind you and everyone who lives with you of your goal. Make sure the specific steps are listed and added to your calendar using a recurring appointment. So, wherever you are, you will always remember your steps.
Many times we try to achieve goals that are broad such as "lose weight." Instead, we need to be specific and include a time frame. "I will lose 10 pounds by March 1st." Furthermore, we need to develop actionable steps to make those goals become a reality. So, for someone who wants to lose weight, maybe those actionable steps are 1) exercise 3 times a week, 2) do not eat after dinner, 3) plan healthy snacks." ~ Daria Harvey
Be specific. Vague goals like "exercise regularly" are too easy to procrastinate and rationalize away. Instead, make it a goal to "Join a gym and take a class every Tuesday and Thursday evening." ~ Seana Turner
Tip 4: Then, ask yourself, "what will be my reward for reaching this goal?"
It can be an activity or a thing. Some examples are buying yourself a new fancy dress or going to play with a family member. Don't forget to write the answer down on your goals paper after the steps.
Be sure to have a reward planned for once you reach a goal. Yes, the satisfaction of achieving the goal is nice, but adding a little chocolate, new sneakers, or a movie date to sweeten the pot never hurts the motivation! ~ Sarah Soboleski
I hope this Goal Setting Advice from these wonderful contributors helps you accomplish your goals this year. Feel free to visit their websites by clicking on the name or the image.
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Janet Barclay says
I'm not a big-picture person, so goal setting has always been a challenge for me. This is all excellent advice which I will take to heart.
Darla Hancock says
Thanks for writing! These tips w/ quotes would make great printables, if you don't already have them. 🙂
RoseMary Griffith says
You're certainly right about the need to be specific when setting goals--same with setting a deadline. I like to work back from my deadline to make sure I can stay on target (most of the time!) with hitting them.
Hilda Rodgers says
These are great quotes and tips Sabrina! I need to remember these as I'm setting goals with my kids this month for 2017.
Sarah Soboleski says
Thanks for including me, Sabrina! I like Kathy's advice about knowing your why. This is especially true for me when I recently set fitness goals for myself. Oh and I love the graphics of the quotes. 🙂
Seana Turner says
Thanks for including me in this post, Sabrina. Lots of great advice here!