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I was going through and pulling my expired coupons the other day and noticed I had several that I didn't use. After doing a little research, I found this site that helps Troops with expired coupons.

Did you know? Military families can use expired manufacturer's coupons up to 6 months after the expiration date. Instead of recycling them, why not pass them along to families who can use them? Click on the image below and start today!
Click on the link or follow the instructions below on how to contribute coupons. - I modified the PDF instructions below for your convenience.
- Cut out the coupons.
- Sort coupons into two piles by status:
a. Expired. Not expired more than 2 months. (e.g. if today’s date is 3/1/2015, you would cut out coupons with an expiration date that is not older than 1/1/2015.)
b. Unexpired. At least two months of life left on the coupon - Sort each of those two piles into four piles by type:
a. Food items
b. Non-food items
c. Baby food/items
d. Pet items (like dog food) - Stuff them into plastic baggies.
- Write the status (Expired or Unexpired) and the type (food, non-food, baby, or pet) on them.
- Total the retail savings of the baggies and write it on them. This helps us track the value of the overall program.
- Mail them to SOT as follows:
Support Our Troops®
P.O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070
NOTE: They will only accept Manufacturer's coupons.
Where to find the coupons?
Pull from newspapers, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere as long as they state "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them.
NOTE: No assistance vouchers and no food stamps. No store coupons. No restaurant couponsand no Internet coupons.
That's it. I know the process sounds tedious, but doing this, it will help the volunteers process the coupons faster and, as a result, be able to give them to the families who need them.
You can also give money and other items from the Support Our Troops website.
Visit our other posts about how to get rid of unwanted stuff.
Patricia Biggs says
Thank you for this extensive list for donating to worthy causes! I will be sure to use your information to help others as well as move things out of my house that I have been needlessly hanging onto. I’m so glad I joined your group!
Janet Barclay says
This is a wonderful idea! I wish we had this for our Canadian military families as well.
Lenie says
Fabulous idea, Sabrina - great to share this information. I'll bet most people don't know about this. Not sure if it works in Canada, but either way, it's great stuff. I'm tweeting and pinning this.
Pamela Chollet says
I never knew about this. I'm sharing this on my Facebook page. This is a great inner self--esteem activity for kids (s well adults)! What a wonderful idea, thank you, Sabrina.
William Rusho says
What a great idea.
It will help the families of those who serve.
As a former soldier, I know the difficulties that our service men and woman go through. there are many challenges, at home as well as in the field.
These difficulties are not what is hard, what is hard is that you do your job, and you get no feedback if anyone cares about what you are doing. Something like this lets them know we care. Thanks for sharing this great program with us.
Rose M Griffith says
Great idea. I'm putting this info in my coupon envelope so that I don't forget to do it as I go through the coupons. Thank you!
A.K Andrew says
What a brilliant idea - it's so annoying when they're out of date and unusable. Thanks so much for the contact info etc.
Marquita Herald says
Sabrina was a marvelous post!!! I have never been a coupon clipper but I just love this idea and took a screen shot of your post so I could follow up. I've always felt we needed to do more to support our men and women in the military and this is a painless way to make a difference. Thank you!
Jacqueline Gum says
What a fantastic idea! And kudo's to you for researching this! I venture that not many folks would have been so industrious regarding something that no longer had any value to them! I'll actually start saving coupons now, just for the purpose of donating them!
Phoenicia says
This is an excellent idea. Living in the UK, I do not come across these coupons . In the UK, I tend to bypass coupons as they are often for products/services that I do not use.
Donna Janke says
What an interesting program. I don't think there is anything similar in Canada.
Ken Dowell says
I had never heard of this Sabrina. A worthwhile thing to do. Thanks for passing along.
Erica says
What a great program! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I normally don't cut coupons because the type of things I buy don't usually have coupons. However, if I get something that has coupons in it, I will now start so I can donate them. Thanks!
Sabrina says
I'm glad you enjoyed the post. It's a great program. I was did it a few times when I had many coupons I didn't use. It worked great.
merc says
What a great idea.. you sure are a blessing to them 🙂