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My daughter loves to play classical or any other type of music on her violin. She plays every day for fun and for her competition team and District festival. It's a lot of work but she loves it. When she would practice, she would have an issue staying organized and productive because she had so many pieces of new and old sheet music to go through. So, we decided to improve this system by making a sheet music organizer (or three).
Make your own sheet music organizer
First, we took out the older sheet music from her school music folder.
Since she didn't want to get rid of them, we grouped the older sheet music. It was a little difficult since she had a few sheet music pieces that didn't have a category and others that she knew she wouldn't have more sheet music. So, we decided to put all her school music pieces from other years in one binder.
Then, I went out and purchased 3 one inch binders that had the rings on the backside. I picked these binders because they would lay flat on the music stand as shown below.
Now the issue was what to put on the front of the binder. My daughter pulled her artwork from her art folder and used them for the cover of the binder. Did I mention that she loves to draw too? =)
We got to work and added the sheet music to the sheet protectors (Affiliate Link). I used standard low glaze sheet protectors (Affiliate Link) you can find anywhere. And, we added one sheet to the front and one to the back of the sheet protector, as shown below.
Then, we used these great little tabs (Affiliate Link) ad labeled them the song title. Below are several options you can buy on Amazon.com (affiliate).
Then added them to the corresponding sheet protector. We put the music in alphabetical order by song title to make it easier to find.
Here is the final product. What do you think? Looks pretty good, right?
Do you play an instrument? Have a lot of sheet music? How do you organize your sheet music? Please leave a comment below.
Below are some other posts about organizing sheet music we found.
Tips for Cataloging Your Sheet Music
Check new arrival rugs at Boutique Rugs
The Art of Organizing Your Sheet Music
Visit our other Hobby Organization Tip posts to help you organize other hobbies you may enjoy doing.
Tylar says
I play the ukulele and the piano and my sister plays the piano and the trumpet so this is great, I just started making myself a new music binder cause mines a little old but my sisters she has her music sheets and strumming in one binder. She has a 2' binder with tabs to separate all her music and its also great!
William Rusho says
That looks like a great idea for sheet music. The project also seems easy to do. Thanks for sharing.
Meredith @ The Palette Muse says
These are great! I love the personal artwork! I need to have my daughter start on some of these for herself.
Michele Harvey says
I think the organizers look fabulous and they were done very creatively using art work on the covers. It's great to help your children become more organized since it's such a critical life skill. Now she will have even more pleasure with her music.
Beth Niebuhr says
I do play an instrument. I have a degree in piano and I do have a lot of sheet music - mostly separate pages that I have bought and downloaded. This is a perfect solution and I thank you for telling about it.
Erica says
I don't play an instrument but I tried a few different instruments as a kid. I don't even remember what I did with my sheet music. I do remember having friends who were very accomplished at different instruments. I imagine they would have loved having a binder like this for their sheet music. What a fun way to get organized!
Jacqueline Gum says
Not only is this a superbly practical idea, it's an adorable end product! I love that you are organizing these memories...she'll have them forever and also remember the time you two spent doing the project together. Love it!
Mahal Hudson says
All of us in the family (even my husband) play an instrument. I play the keyboards. It does frustrate me when I can find my music sheets so your music sheet organizer was very helpful. Thank you for sharing your tips!
Lenie says
This is something I will be passing on to my grandson. He started playing piano a few years ago so I imagine his sheet music will be piling up. I liked the tip about the rings on the back of the binder - never knew that but will be watching for it from now on.