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We all keep stuff that just doesn't benefit us any longer. It may be a bad habit that doesn't serve us well. Today, we are sharing a letting go challenge to help you deal with these habits.
A negative thought that makes us feel insecure. An item that reminds us of a sad time in our life. A feeling that makes us feel sad when we encounter a similar situation. But why do we hold on to these things?

We hang on to them because they are familiar to us. We may even fear what would replace them. So, to help you let go of stuff this month, we are going to figure out what we don't want in our lives and get rid of one of them.
Letting Go Challenge
To ease us into this process of letting go, we will only be letting go of one thing that isn't serving us well. Check out the list below and pick one thing that you will be willing to let go of this month.
Write it down on several sticky notes (Affiliate Link) and post them in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, and on any mirrors you have to remind you.
- Overwhelming thoughts that make you sad and that do not serve your goals.
- Negative emotions make you do things that are not right for your goal.
- Helplessness or similar feelings that don't empower you to go for it and complete a goal.
- Anger toward the actions of others.
- Objects that remind you of a sad or stressful time.
Letting Go Quotes
Many inspiring quotes (Affiliate Link) will help you let go, read some of these quotes (Affiliate Link) below and feel free to share.
We must be willing to let go of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~ Joseph Campbell
People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
What wonderful thing didn't start out scary? ~ Isaac Marion
Visit these posts for more tips about letting go:
10 Ways to let go of your stuff
30 Things to let go of before the new year
16 Things to Let go to life a truly happy life
And, here are some of my posts:
Worry Questions To Ask To Let Go Of Clutter
Ways To Change Your Bad Memories into Good Ones
I hope this challenge helps you let go of something that isn't working for you and allows you to be happier and more fulfilled in your life. Let's continue the conversation, what are you planning on letting go of in your life? Do you think it will be difficult to do? Please feel free and leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Peace!
Sarah Soboleski says
I love that Isaac Marion quote. I'm moving into a new NAPO-CT board position, prepping for a big speaking event at a large conference and reshaping my business model. Talk about a little scary, but I'm telling myself it's all good stuff that's going to lead to great things!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Wow, Sarah, it sounds like you are letting go of a lot this month. Good luck to you and your future endeavors. =) Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Linda Samuels says
Ahhh. A favorite topic of mine..."letting go!" We all hold on to thoughts, things, people that are doing more harm than good. Yet it's not always easy to let go of the familiar or the habits that are so deeply ingrained. The process starts with awareness and continues with asking questions...lots and lots of questions. On my blog this month I'm focusing exclusively about letting go and all the ways that shows up. Looks like you and I are on the same page, my friend! 🙂 I love the letting go quotes that you've collected.
Diane says
I love the idea of simply letting go of negative thoughts. Posting reminder notes is always a helpful strategy.
Seana Turner says
Great idea to focus on just one thing at a time. Likewise, I often do better when I add something new into the mix... something new to focus on, aside from the void of letting something else go. The process is so freeing. I love all the quotes, and especially that last one!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks, Seana! I didn't want the "letting go" challenge to come across too difficult. The point was to take action and let something go and not worry about how much to let go.