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We tend to go each day at top speed, running in and out of our lives, working and playing hard but not remembering what we did. So, today, I challenge you to treasure your day with every ounce of your beingness. Below we are sharing treasure each day quotes (Affiliate Link) to help you remember that each day is precious, and we can't wait till tomorrow to enjoy today.
Only you can value each day. Here are "treasure each day" quotes (Affiliate Link) to help you remember that appreciating your day will make you feel more fulfilled and enjoyable.
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Look for the light in all the darkness.
We must look for the positive, the light, in the darkness. By stepping back and saying, "This too shall pass," you break down the dark areas and allow the light to come through.
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. ~Aristotle Onassis
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“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
“No situation is so dark that there is not a ray of light!” ~ Norman Vincent Peale
We can not assume we will have tomorrow.
All things and people are temporary. We must take each moment and day as a treasured present we receive.
The moment passed is no longer, the future may never be; the present is all of which man is master. ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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“Forever is composed of nows.” ~ Emily Dickinson
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are not here forever.
Stop and ask yourself the next time you binge-watch shows, "Am I really using my valuable time effectively?" It may be yes, but it may be no. Whichever it is, be honest and not judgmental with yourself.
A man who dares waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. ~ Charles Darwin
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“We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.” ~ Bill Watterson
Time should be valued.
When planning your day, remember that time should be valued. Move beyond your immediate need and ask yourself, "Will I be thankful for doing this tomorrow, next week, or even next year?"
An inch of time is an inch of gold: treasure it. Appreciate its fleeting nature: Misplaced gold is easily found. Misspent time is lost forever. ~Loy Ching-Yuen
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“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (Amazon Affiliate)
Make each move in your life a valuable one.
The purpose of life is to help others learn about who we are, and love all of it. Say to yourself that life is valuable.
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You don’t get to choose how you’re going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you’re going to live. ~Joan Baez
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“Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is to say, ‘I don’t want to.’” ~ Lao Tzu
Do not undervalue your time.
We tend to forget how long and short time can be. Examine your daily tasks; are you undervaluing what you can do with your time?
The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time. ~Leo Kennedy
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“We must use time as a tool, not as a couch.” ~ John F. Kennedy
May your day be a peaceful and enjoyable one. By treasuring each day, you will feel complete and become grateful for the goodness around you. Never forget that we all have our ups and downs. But, how you react to those down days will limit how quickly you recover from them in your life. No one wants to be in a down mood. Remember, everything is temporary, and life changes from day to day. Peace to you and your days to come. May you have more carefree days than "down in the dumps" days.
Treasure Each Day Quotes for a Healthier Life - which quote is your favorite? Share on XVisit our Gratitude Challenge to help you be thankful for your days.
Visit our other quote posts for more inspiration:
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Cariad Leendin says
Very nice. I thought you might want to revisit your proverb beginning with "An itch of time" as I'm certain you meant "An inch of time."
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thank you for finding this typo. I made the adjustments. =)
Janet Scheisl says
What a nice collection Sabrina. I love reading quotes. Every once in a while you come across one that makes you stop and pause. They can resonate with you, make you laugh, or make you cry. But always seem to have a message that we need to hear.
Nancy Haworth says
Sabrina, this is a great collection of quotes. I like how so many of them are about time, because it is so important to consider how we spend our time. It is true that we never know how much time we have, so we should spend it wisely.
Julie Bestry says
These are excellent quotes to remind that how we structure our time and where we give our attention determines everything of importance about our lives. The Joan Baez quote (man, I love her!) is my favorite, but these all reflect how, if we let ourselves be distracted, we can end up with a life very different from the one we'd wish to have.
Sara Skillen says
I'm a huge "quotes" fan - and interestingly I wasn't familiar with any of these. My favorite is "The surest way to be late..." one. Having tons of unstructured time is not always a gift, and often a trap. Thanks for the great food for thought this morning!
Seana Turner says
Oh, these are terrific! I love them all.
That one about time not being retrievable once it has passed is so true. I found out last night that a friend passed away. He had been in a long battle with cancer, and I knew this, and yet it still felt abrupt. I think it is the finality of death, which is much like the finality of time that has passed, which is so striking.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts today!
Sabrina Quairoli says
Oh, Seana, my condolences to you. Time is one of these things we don't appreciate until it is gone.
Linda Samuels says
Time is our most precious commodity. Recognizing the choices we have in both our behaviors and attitudes is a one of keys for how we value our days. I love quotes and appreciate the ones you shared. The Joan Baez quote resonated with me especially and it's something my mom used to say often. Although, I don't recall her quoting Baez.
One of my favorite time quotes is from Anna Quindlen. She said, "I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less." To me, it speaks to treasuring the process and moments more than being obsessed with the need to do stuff just to do stuff.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I love that quote, Linda! Thanks for sharing. Enjoying the process through whatever they are doing is so valuable when we look back. People regret what they didn't treasure more than what they did.