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Have a lot of frames that don't have a home? You are not alone. Many people love to take pictures and take the time to mount them but never hang them in their homes. Why waste these perfectly good pictures and artwork? Make a collage wall, and see what happens. Photos lined up on the floor or in a closet do the artwork any good. Why not take it out and display it on a wall in a collage?
Jump to:
- Backstory
- Photo Collage Themes Examples
- Arrange the frames and other things on the floor.
- Group by odd numbers
- Add wall decor that matches the theme
- Place frames closer together
- Stay with a particular color or style.
- Collages can be any shape
- Buy frames at yardsales or discount places.
- Conclusion
- Update 2024

Several years ago, we were getting molding added to the ceiling in our main living areas. So, I decided to make themed walls. If you want to check out my themed walls, check out my blog post: HOW TO ARRANGE PHOTOS ON A TWO STORY STAIRCASE WALL
When my dad passed, he had many original faith-based artworks he had purchased for different parts of the world. I inherited only some of them. So, with my picture of my children's confirmation and other faith-based items, I created a faith collage wall in my hallway.
I then built a wall about family. My family wall had family members near and far from special times in their lives. I had pictures of my kids and posters framed of my dad's favorite things.
In my living room, I had an embracing couples theme wall. Sorry, I can't think of a better title. It has all the portraits and artwork that I have had that were couples embracing. I love those artwork pieces, so I had plenty of them.
To make your collage-themed wall, first, gather all the picture frames together and decide on a theme. Here are some examples of photo collage themes to help.
Photo Collage Themes Examples
As of 2024 - I updated the list below to include other collage themes for the wall.
- Faith wall
- Spiritual Wall
- Family wall
- Wedding photos of family members
- Places you have visited
- Places you want to visit
- Wedding photos
- School year pictures
- Your favorite things like flowers
- Events or achievements you have completed
- Family Vacation
- Once in a Lifetime vacation wall
- Coastal scene or vacation
- Bird themed wall
- Love themed wall
- Self-portrait theme wall
- Flower themed wall
- College days
- Rivers
- Waterfalls
- Friends Wall
- Cousins Wall
- Letters from Loved Ones
- Color theme Wall
Arrange the frames and other things on the floor.
Then, arrange them on the floor. If you don't have enough room on the floor, use these on top of your largest bed. I liked to use a sticky note and cut out the shape of the picture frame, adhere to the wall, and see how it looks.
Here are some tips on hanging wall collage themes.
Group by odd numbers
The first tip is to group picture frames in odd numbers like threes, fives, and sevens.
Check new arrival rugs at Boutique Rugs
Add wall decor that matches the theme
The next tip is to add objects that will help complete the theme wall. I added a cross for my faith wall above. You can use rub-on inspiring words. I found it at Marshall's for only $10.00.
Place frames closer together
Place frames closer together when usual and see how that looks. Trying to get picture frames leveled with one another takes some time, and usually, you need a laser level to make sure you have a straight line from one picture frame to another. I prefer to make them completely not leveled, so I don’t have to worry about the picture frames lining up.
Stay with a particular color or style.
Uniforms in frame colors look nice but not necessary. I like to keep the frames similar but not the same. I also have a few textured frames, so it draws attention to them.
Collages can be any shape
The collage can be any shape you want. If you have stairs, a collage going down the stairs is beautiful. If you have a high wall, you can create a form like a clock or a heart and use the frames to make the shape. It doesn’t have to be square because you have square frames or rectangle because you have rectangle frames.
Buy frames at yardsales or discount places.
Frames can be expensive, so go to a yard sale and buy vintage older picture frames. Spray paint them the same color to make them uninformed on the wall.
I hope this helps you get that framed artwork off the floor and out of the closet and onto the walls so everyone can enjoy it.
Update 2024
We recently painted our entire main floor and our two-story (Affiliate Link) steps, installed a new system, and rearranged our themed walls. Check out the new post at HOW TO INSTALL A DIY HOME PICTURE HANGING SYSTEM for more ideas and inspiration on a new hanging system for picture frames.
Do you have a theme wall? Do you want a theme collage wall? What would your theme be? Please leave a comment below.
Visit our other keepsake organization posts for more help!
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Andi Willis says
Thanks for the tips. This has been on my to-do list for my hallway for at least a year now! Maybe I'll finally tackle it.
Lisa Montanaro says
Love this post! We have a few themed walls with photo collages based on our travels. We have one for France and one for Italy. I love walking past them everyday and being reminded of our vacations and experiences in those places.
Seana Turner says
I love the way you combined structural items and framed images. Putting items together by "theme" is a great way to enjoy them. A friend has put together a wonderful "family hall," with images of many family members over the year. I've greatly enjoyed looking at it and learning about her family.
Janet Barclay says
We have a family wall in our hallway. So far it's our wedding photo, each of our kids' wedding photos, and two photos of each of our grandchildren. We will expand it, but plan to take some down so it doesn't get out of control (which has happened to us in the past).
Mahal Hudson says
Thank you for bringing up more ideas. I was in rush to put up all the frames in my house in preparation of my father's visit from Alaska. To get a positive impression, I need to make sure I have decor in my walls. The funny thing is, my husband and I are the worst in picking matching frames.
But it all worked out, I can see that your suggestions was not too far from what we did. I feel better now.
krystle cook says
Great tips! I'm actually in the middle of doing a wall collage type thing. Mines going to be more of a grid with matching frames 🙂
Meredith @ The Palette Muse says
I have a gallery wall at home in my hallway, with all my family pictures. It's one of my favorite spots in the house! And not a single frame cluttering up my table tops!
Marquita Herald says
Wonderful idea and I only wish I could take advantage of them. I rent and while I love my home and my landlord is the best ever, the one and only rule she is is no hanging of pictures or anything else on the walls. I get around it by stacking and propping my pictures up in various places it it would be nice to do something like this. Thanks for the inspiration!
Pamela Chollet says
I hate hanging pictures because I can never get ehme even. I've tried using a level, but I'm basically DIY impaired. I love your idea about making the frames uneven, it's perfect!
Lenie says
Sabrina, I have been thinking about doing something with all our family pictures that I have sitting on a shelf. Thanks for your suggestions - I'll be sure to I put a few into action.
Jacqueline Gum says
I love theme walls! I have always had a family theme wall somewhere, no matter where I live. It's kind of fun to think I have drug these things through multiple states! They kind of serve as my anchor! Nicely done walls...and some great ideas, too.
Suzanne Fluhr says
We are down sized empty nesters who love to travel. However, I've decreed that the only things we can bring home are refrigerator magnets and photos. As you suggested, we have a wall going down a staircase where we display a series of travel photos. Digital photography and the ability to print photos at home has been a huge game changer in terms of what we do with photographs.
Phoenicia says
I do not have any themed walls but I do like the idea of photographs/pictures arranged on one wall. I have seen some wonderful examples on Pinterest.
Beth Niebuhr says
I love all your ideas for collage walls. I especially appreciate the hints you give to make the projects easily affordable. There's no point in having all frames the same, for example. I really enjoy variety within a theme.
Ken Dowell says
In Philadelphia there is an art museum called the Barnes Foundation. It has works by Picasso, Monet, Matisse, many others. And they are all hung collage style. I guess old man Barnes had some extra Impressionists laying around.
Patricia Weber says
Beautiful Sabrina. We have themed walls for photos too! Who woulda thunk it?! My favorite is our family growth hallway hall. We start with our grandparents on each side and move through a variety of pictures that include our 2 granddaughters. It's the hallway to my office so I get to glow in it every day. Your idea - highly recommended!