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It is the end of the summer. How does your outdoor storage cabinet look? Is it organized? Does it need some help? This week's post will help you with some easy DIY organization tips that will get that area in shipshape before the winter.
First, we need to take out everything from the outdoor storage cabinet.
Take out the items you have in the cabinet and sort them by general type. The groups you can use are gloves, insecticides, seeds, gardening tools (Affiliate Link), etc...
Pull together all the gardening tools that you may have.
Check various areas like the shed (Affiliate Link), the garage (Affiliate Link), and in the cabinets for all these gardening tools (Affiliate Link). There could be stuff everywhere outside when there is limited space.
To keep the tools (Affiliate Link) clean, you can add sand to a bucket and add some mineral oil in a bucket mixed in with the sand. Then, stand the blades of the tools (Affiliate Link) into the bucket. See this image below for guidance.
Now, it's time to gather all your incesticides.
I like to separate it by chemicals and the organic ones. Keeping them sepearte reminds me that I can use some near my vegetable and herb gardens and others I can not.
Now, it's time to add the divide to the cabinet for winter tarps for the lawn furniture.
Fold up the furniture (Affiliate Link) tarps for the wintertime. Label (Affiliate Link) the shelf, so you know where to put the items when not in use.
Find a place for the Tarp ropes.
It's time to store the ropes for the tarps. These can be easily stored in a labeled shoe box container.
Find a place for the open bags.
You can easily use an open bin like the one below. When opening the bag, cut a strip of the bag's plastic. Then use it to tie a knot with the excess plastic bag. It's an eas and affordable way to keep bags closed and free from bugs.
You can also use containers and dump out the seeds and other dried items into the individual ones. Do not mix the seeds and the other dried items. I found these on Amazon.com(affiliate).
Use the inside of the doors if you need extra space for storage.
If your outdoor cabinet has sturdy doors, you can also use the doors to hang items and tools (Affiliate Link). To do this, you will need to hang the things with some exterior waterproof hook and loop tape. It will also need to be able to hold with extreme changes in temperatures. Here are some hook and loop ones I found on Amazon that may be useful to keep items on the doors. Some may or may not work for your doors. Please read the description before buying them to make sure they will hold the thing you want to hang.
Check new arrival rugs at Boutique Rugs
And lastly, you need to label the shelves for items that just need a home.
Some items will just need a home on the shelves (Affiliate Link). But, to remember where they go, you will need to add labels (Affiliate Link).
Keeping the outdoor storage cabinet organized will allow you to get to what you need right away and make your task a lot easier. I hope this post gives you some inspiration for an outdoor storage cabinet organization.
Visit our other posts that will help you make your outdoor storage cabinet organization. (The CAP Titles are posts from our site)
15 Shed Organization Ideas You Need to Try
Outdoor Shed Organization & Storage Ideas to Help You Declutter
Updated 2021: The Cabinets are STILL Organized
Well, the season just started and I wanted to take a moment and revisit my outdoor cabinets. And, I am happy to say, they are still in good working order and organized despite the cold and wet/snowy weather we had in Pennsylvania last winter.
This cabinet is used for organizing my tools (Affiliate Link), gloves, garden supplies, plant food, bird food, and potting soil. It is pretty much the way it was when I created it last year. What do you think?
This cabinet is for all our chemicals (natural and toxic). We store bug repellent, organic products for the gardens, weed killer, and cleaners for siding and other areas of the home. The power washer is in the shed (Affiliate Link).
The final cabinet is used for winter storage items. These tarps and ropes cover the tables, chairs, sofas, a/c unit, and other things. I also stored some big rubber bags for making new gardens if we want them. See how we used this in our post: FUN CHEAP AND EASY PRACTICAL OUTDOOR GARDENING IDEAS
Below are some options for outside storage cabinets from Amazon (affiliate).
Ronni says
Outdoor and garage cabinets really do come in handy. I liked how you broke it down step-by-step explaining everything that needs to get done before putting it to rest for the season.
I was watching an organizing show over the weekend and how they used cabinets in the garage to store extras of everything they have in the household. Everything from paper goods to diapers to canned goods. It’s nice to have that bonus space to store what we need to.
Julie Bestry says
Great, detailed tips for keeping your outdoor spaces (including the garage) tidy while keeping the essentials accessible. And I can't wait to share the sand & mineral oil tip with gardening clients!
Janet Schiesl says
Great timing. This is a great organizing project to do now that the weather is cooler.
Seana Turner says
"Zones" are so important in the garage. I actually had a bit of a tiff with my husband this weekend. He started to empty a cabinet to make space for a new freezer, but instead of reviewing the contents (and deciding what to get rid of), he just started moving items into another shed. This really bothered me, because that isn't where they belong. This just meant losing track of them, giving more space for spiders to build webs, etc. I feel strongly that having areas (even shelves) where certain types of items go makes it so much easier to hunt and find what you need! Couldn't agree more.
Sabrina Quairoli says
I get it! I feel frustrated when I can't find what I am looking for when I am doing a task. I do the majority of chores in my home and taking the time to organize these tools and items makes me honor what I do.
Linda Samuels says
We dream of the time for having some outside storage. Currently the type of items you mentioned are being stored in our garage. Building a shed has been on "the list" for a long time, but it's a low priority. There are other house things that need attention before that. So while we don't have an outdoor shed, we did do some letting go of items in the past few weeks. We sorted through many of the cans and bottles of paints, cleaners, and other liquids that had accumulated over the years. My husband was ready to let stuff go, so I took them to our local recycling facility. It felt great!
Sabrina Quairoli says
That's wonderful, Linda! I find that it is more satisfying organizing the outdoor stuff since we usually use them while doing chores. It helps me save time and money when everything is in one place.