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To help you throughout the year, this post comprises of 12 monthly challenges to help you declutter and simplify your life. It is super easy to do; all you need to do is visit each post and do the challenge, and by the end of the year, you will be well on your way to getting more organized and productive.
Jump to:
- January's Decluttering Challenge - dining room
- February's Challenge - weeknight cooking
- March's Challenge - spring cleaning checklist
- April's Challenge - morning routine
- May's Challenge - evening routine
- June's Challenge - memorabilia
- July's Challenge - making a checklist
- August's Challenge - student organizing
- September's Challenge - blocks
- October's Challenge - money
- November's Challenge - Change a small habit
- December's Challenge - self-care

January's Decluttering Challenge - dining room
The first one of the organizing challenges is to help you declutter your dining room. This space can be tricky and should always be decluttered and organized before any holiday event or just after the holidays. Visit the post here to see the details of this challenge.
February's Challenge - weeknight cooking
February: To speed up weeknight cooking processes to decrease eating processed foods. Did you set up a weeknight process? What did you do? I started recipe sharing on Tuesdays. It helped me make meals from scratch more often.
March's Challenge - spring cleaning checklist
March: To create a customized spring cleaning checklist to use each year. I shared my spring cleaning list. Did you create your own? How did it work for you? I modified my spring cleaning list so that it worked better for us.
April's Challenge - morning routine
April: To determine a morning routine for you and your children. Did you set a routine (Affiliate Link)? Did it work? Or did the kids resist the routine (Affiliate Link)? I changed the time I woke up to care for myself before the kids woke up.
May's Challenge - evening routine
May: To help you set up an evening routine for you and your family. I love evening routines. Now that my kids are older, they don't do them anymore. It helped them relax and get ready for bed when they were younger. But I made an effort to go to bed earlier to get a better night's sleep. It worked pretty well.
June's Challenge - memorabilia
June: Organizing memorabilia. What areas did you organize? Your photos? Your albums? I managed my digital images this month.
July's Challenge - making a checklist
July: Go through and compile lists of tasks. Making checklists (Affiliate Link) is excellent. I love lots of them. What checklists (Affiliate Link) did you create this month? I modified a list for winterizing my home this month.
August's Challenge - student organizing
August: Go through the different student organization areas to help them succeed this school year. Did your child benefit from organizing their area? I realized that my son liked the structure of organizing. My daughter's organizing was more detailed, so we had to approach it differently.
September's Challenge - blocks
September: To find out what blocks you from completing an organizing project. What did you learn about yourself and your blocks this month? I realized that an organizing project needs to be simple for me to set it up. It needs to be simple to maintain.
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October's Challenge - money
October: Organize all areas involving money. Did you reorganize one of your areas? I reorganized my important documents and cleared out older papers that were not valid.
November's Challenge - Change a small habit
November: To change one small new habit. What small habit did you change? I decided to do 25 minutes of exercise every weekday. It worked for a little while then, I got sick. =( I'm feeling better now. I realized that I need to set a time of day and make sure I do the exercise at that time every day to stay on top of the task.
December's Challenge - self-care
Taking time for yourself is important with how much work you put into the year, decluttering, and simplifying with these organizing challenges. For this month, it is time to rejoice and relax. Visit our Self Care (Affiliate Link) posts for ideas!
I hope these monthly organizing challenges help you and your family get more organized and feel healthier about your home, life, and family. Please share with anyone who you think may need some motivation to organize and declutter their home and life.
Autumn Leopold says
September really hit home for me because I have projects I don't finish at home. I start more before finishing the last one. That's something I continuously work on for myself. 🙂 I also realized he have similar lives and struggles! Great work on yourself this year! You should make a printable of this...for me!
Andi Willis says
What a great recap of your series. I like that you shared your personal revelations.
Sarah Soboleski says
I loved reading your recap and the progress you made. Thanks for sharing and being so honest in your accounts. I think many of us struggle with the exercise piece!