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Recently, we decided to replace our daughter's carpet with cork flooring while she was away. To prepare for this renovation, she and I began clearing the unwanted clutter in her room. Usually, it would be a torturous event where she would argue with me that she wanted to keep it all, and I would explain with no success that she does not need to keep everything. Then I would continue to explain to her that she would need room for the new items she would need in the coming years.

But this time was different. My daughter was willing to get rid of a lot of stuff. And I mean a lot of things. We even went through her markers and art supplies and checked every single item to make sure they all worked. We even went through cabinet after cabinet and drawer after drawer and recycled scraps of paper, old drawings, small figurines, and her precious large collections of stuffed animals. I was so very proud of her. We got rid of 2 full bags of trash and one large bag of recycled paper. She even wanted to sell her American Girl doll and clothes. I was having a hard time letting go of that one myself, but she did it and could make $75.00 on the sale. She then put the money toward her other hobbies. She also donated two bags of small toys to Goodwill.
While reflecting on the project we completed later that evening, I came to the conclusion that there are times in life we are more willing to get rid of items. So, I decided to embark on creating a list of the best times in life to get rid of clutter. Here is the list of the times I found it easiest to remove the clutter. If you are experiencing any of these life changes, feel free to click on the post titles next to the experience to visit posts on the topic.
Life-Changing Events That Will Help You Declutter
- Before a child is born: Baby Room Organizing Made Easy Organizing the Baby Room
- Before children start a new school: Back to school collection of posts.
- Before a Child Starts Kindergarten: How to Organize An Elementary School Student for Success
- Before Middle School: How To Reduce Academic Stress For Middle Schoolers 5 Middle School Student Organizing Essentials To Help Them Succeed
- Before high school: Academic Planner For Teens To Make Them A Time Management Expert
- The Summer Before College: 8 Helpful Organizing Essentials For Dorm Life
- Before marriage: 10 Helpful Wedding Tips To Reduce Stress
- Prior to moving into a new home: How To Pack Up Your Home Easily
- Before or right after retiring: Tips To Help Your Parents Decide if Downsizing is right for them
- Before or after a remodel: Kitchen Remodel Project Tips Part 1 – How We Kept Stuff Organized Kitchen Remodel Project Tips Part 2 – How We Organized Our Kitchen Stuff Before & During Our Kitchen Remodel Kitchen Remodel Project Tips Part 3 Eating Healthy Tips Without a Kitchen
- After a death in the family: What Memorabilia To Keep To Honor Loved Ones
- Change of Seasons: How To Complete An Effective Spring Cleaning Process Made Simple
Remember, the main reason people want to get rid of things is that they are looking forward to a change in their lives. By decluttering, they are getting rid of old ideas and old stuff that represent a different time in their lives. This results in a clear mind and clear space. And allow them to look at the future and leave the past.
It's one of the few times that clearing the stuff isn't creating anxiety or undue stress on the individual. If there is a lot of clutter to clear, it may feel overwhelming, but with other people's help (like a family member, friend, or professional), it can be done and will be enjoyable too.
“When we are more excited for the next step, we are more willing to get rid of clutter.” ~ Sabrina Quairoli
“When we are more excited for the next step, we are more willing to get rid of clutter.” ~ Sabrina Quairoli learn more: The Best Times In Your Life To Get Rid of Clutter Share on XNow, you may have your ups and downs through the process. You may have days of feeling frustrated, impatience, and feeling angry. Frustrated with the surroundings and yourself for not clearing the clutter sooner. Feeling impatient for how long it is taking to get things done. Mad at yourself for allowing the mess to accumulate over many years. Be gentle with yourself and allow the clearing of the clutter process to unfold at its pace.
Times You May Be Productive During the Day
Try determining the best time of day that makes you most productive. Ask yourself what time of day you are most productive.
- Do you work better in shorter spurts, or do you prefer blocking out a longer time slot for 2-3 hours?
- Then, ask yourself do you work better when you have help or if you do it by yourself.
By answering these questions and watching the pattern of how your energy flows, you can determine when you are most productive and when you are not.
Over many years, I found that there were certain times of the day when my clients and I were most productive. And it turned out that it was pretty consistent for all of us. Below are some examples of times in the day you may be more productive.
- On a Friday afternoon.
- On a Sunday afternoon.
- In the evening after 7:00 PM.
- On a lunch break if working from home.
- Short 15 - 30-minute organizing sessions at the same time each day.
- Longer uninterrupted 2-4 hour time slots.
Every client, friend, and family member I worked with had some variation of the above time examples that they were productive. As every person is unique, so is their organizing process and the time of day they work most efficiently. And that is OK. You just need to find the time of day that works for you and your situation.
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If you are looking for additional advice on decluttering, here are some other articles that will help.
The Best Decluttering Advice You Were Ever Told
When Should You Organize? By Happily Ever Uncluttered
I hope this helps you find your most productive part of the day to remove the clutter. Hopefully, when you have these experiences, this post will remind you that it is an excellent opportunity to remove the unnecessary stuff in your life. Peace to you in your life.
Need help with your change of life purge? Feel free to reach out to me and take advantage of my Virtual Organizing Consultations!
Liana George says
Great post and wonderful ideas! I find that knowing your best work times - the time of day when you are at your optimal best- produces the best results. Trying to work and declutter at any other time usually only leads to frustration and overwhelm. Thanks for sharing!
Hazel Thornton says
I agree that life transitions are good times to declutter. And that it's easier to do if one is looking forward to the change. So....because not everyone looks forward to every type of change...it's important to have (or create, or encourage) the mindset that there is something to look forward to.
Linda Samuels says
The readiness for change is so important. And typically when there is a shift due to a major life event (like births, deaths, change of jobs or homes) we feel more motivated to re-evaluate where we were and where we're headed. Often that translates into more easily being able to let go. As an organizer, these are some of the most exciting times when working with a client because they are so ready for a change. And it's not just that they're ready, but they have a tremendous amount of clarity around what they want or don't want in their lives. I love being part of their journey.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Thanks for sharing, Linda. I totally agree. It's amazing how organizing can truly transform a life and a home.
Julie Stobbe says
With my children we uncluttered their lives just before they left for university. Everything in their room was taken to college, donated or packed up for later when they moved out permanently. It is a great time to do it because they are starting a new phase in their lives and examining what is important is a good activity before moving out on their own and start making all their decisions for themselves. It is interesting how decluttering a space can also help examine priorities for ones's life at university.
Sabrina Quairoli says
Yes, I agree, Julie. Letting go allows us to truly enjoy the next phase of our lives. Thanks for sharing.
RoseMary Griffith says
Not being a fan of clutter, I'm apt to purge and tidy anytime of the year, but especially fall and spring. I like empty spaces and freshness. And I truly like passing things along to someone who might need them more than I do.
Regina Sanchez says
Love the seasons of life list prompting us to perhaps doing some purging. And how exciting when our children are on board with us. Nice work mom!
Kim says
Hi Sabrina,
Congratulations on that success with your daughter. I think it is so true that there are times that will help someone to be more motivated to let go (because something new is coming) but also what a great thing to be teaching to children and adults too.
Sarah Soboleski says
This post reminds me of the quote, "You can't reach for anything new if your hands are still filled with yesterday's junk." On the eve of any major change in life we're more likely to let go of the old to make way for the new. How proud you must be of your daughter and how ready she must feel for a fresh start!
Sabrina says
Thanks for sharing the quote and stopping by, Sarah! I love the quote. Yes, we are very proud of her. =)
Ellen Delap says
I find that there are definitely emotions you can capitalize on to get moving on organizing. Emotions can include frustration, anxiety or others. Once you seize the emotion, you can eliminate a lot.
Sabrina says
Great point. Emotions are a great motivator. Thanks for stopping by.
Seana Turner says
I definitely agree... when you are getting ready for something new, it is easier to clear out the old. Does your daughter love her cork flooring? I have it in my mudroom and think it is terrific!
Sabrina says
We haven't done it yet, Seana. I needed her to go through the cabinets with me before she went away for orchestra camp. I plan on taking photos of the process. Maybe it will be a post in the near future. =) I hope she loves it. I figure a floating cork floor is better and more affordable, just in case we sell the house in the future and someone wants to replace it with carpet. At least that is what I hope.