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The other day I thought, what would help people get rid of their unused stuff? A challenge, of course. But why should people do periodic purging of their things? There are many reasons, but some of the most important ones are 1. to be able to get rid of the past and see possibilities of what is next in their lives, 2. to be able to be more focused and less distracted in the home. 3. to remove excess things to make the home more relaxing and spacious. If you are looking to get rid of your unused/unwanted stuff, try this challenge.
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How does the 15-day purging challenge work?
So, here's how it works. It's 15 days of purging challenge that will help you get rid of clutter in your home. The premise is straightforward.
On Day 1, get rid of 1 item completely. Bring it to a place to donate. Trash it. Get rid of it. It must completely go on that day.
On Day 2, get rid of 2 items. These items need to be removed from the home and donated, trashed, or recycled, and so on.
It doesn't matter how big or small the item is. Just that you get rid of it, and you acknowledge that.
The things you need to complete this challenge
There are a few things you will need for this challenge.
- Trash bags - buy trash bags (Affiliate Link) that are durable and large. Construction bags (Affiliate Link) work well. This will make it easier to fill up with heavier things. Plus, they are larger, so you can fill the bag and be able to tighten it.
- Paper lawn bags - These bags are great when you have lots of paper to get rid of. They hold a lot and can be recycled, as well as thing things inside the paper lawn bag.
- A list of places to donate - feel free to check out our where to donate stuff page, which is updated often for tips and free charitable donation sites for our area sheet.
The 15 Day Purging Challenge
Please read the comments for each day to help you understand what you may be feeling and what you can do about it.
Day 1: Purge 1 item - pick a room that is smaller and has fewer things, and can make the most impact.
Day 2: Purge 2 items in a room. Make sure you pick a different room.
Day 3: Purge 3 items.
Day 4: Purge 4 items. These items can be a group of things.
Day 5: Purge 5 items. From this point forward, pick rooms or areas that are a little bigger and have several things in them.
Day 6: Purge 6 items
Day 7: Purge 7 items. Try picking an area that you visit every day.
Day 8: Purge 8 items. Make this purge challenge an area you will notice the change.
Day 9: Purge 9 items
Day 10: Purge 10 items. At this point, you may feel overwhelmed, but keep moving forward! You got this!
Day 11: Purge 11 items
Day 12: Purge 12 items. At this point, be sure to pick a room that has several little things you can easily go through and clear out one area.
Day 13: Purge 13 items
Day 14: Purge 14 items. From this point forward, this area can truly make an impact on your space and may even motivate you to continue after 15 days.
Day 15: Purge 15 items. Feeling motivated, don't stop at 15 days. Keep going!
Where do you start in your house?
I added a list of rooms below sorted from least stuff to most stuff to make it easier for those challenge-days you have to purge more. The links below will show you some things you can declutter and other challenges for those particular rooms. Feel free to click on them for more ideas and inspiration.
Powder room - This room has the fewest things and is the easiest to clear out.
Entryway / Purses backpacks
Dining Room
Living Room
Home Office
Bedroom and closet
Kid's playroom
Kitchen / Command Zone in Kitchen
Shed / Tool area
Attic and Keepsake Items - This area has the most things and the longest room to clear out.
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Free 15 days of purging challenge printable
Feel free to share and use to help you through the challenge.
Tips when doing this challenge
There are some things you should know when doing this challenge.
- Try not to judge yourself through the process. Getting angry with yourself will not do you any good.
- Keep an open mind and be aware of your surroundings. Sometimes we recall what we have during a purge, so if you have forgotten an item when you find it, you probably don't need it.
- Get help when needed. As the days go on and you purge the more complicated rooms, you may need help getting those items out.
- Don't stop at 15 days. If you feel you can go longer than 15 days, you can easily keep going. Just add another item to each day following day 15.
That's it. I hope this helps you get rid of those unused items that are taking up space in your home.
Now it is your turn! Purging question: What is the one item that you had difficulty getting rid of on this challenge? Please leave a message below.
Ready for more challenges? Visit our posts, where we have a variety of challenges to motivate you to declutter and get organized!
Linda Samuels says
What a great idea for building those letting go muscles! I have to admit that I prefer the phrases "letting go" or "releasing" as alternatives to "purging" when it comes to moving the excess out. But I understand that we each have our preferences when it comes to organizing terminology. Whatever it's called, the challenge you created looks excellent, non-threatening, and doable.
Nancy Haworth says
This is a great idea for a challenge. Starting in a small room and then ending up in an attic, where it should be easy to find 15 things to purge, is a good tip.
Janet Schiesl says
Good way to get started if you are a little nervous about succeeding. One thing is much easier to do than getting overwhelmed because you think you have to do the whole room at once.
Janet Barclay says
I've heard of this system before and found it a little intimidating, but your suggestion to start with a room that doesn't have much in it and work from there makes a big difference.
Julie Stobbe says
I love the simplicity of this challenge. It is true that starting to purge is the difficult part but once you start it gets easier. So challenge is perfectly aligned with that philosophy.
Regina Sanchez says
Excellent idea. Helps people get motivated to begin a process that is so hard for many.
Sabrina says
Thanks Regina. I love it because it's so simple to do.
Seana Turner says
So simple, and yet so powerful. Great idea, Sabrina!